Study of the effects of air pollution on mortality and morbidity in Spain
n Studies on air pollution impact on health (APHEA, NMMAPS) n National studies in Europe (Italy, France) n The EMECAS study is a collaborative effort that seeks to evaluate the short-term effect of air pollution on health in urban Spanish population. Background.
Objectives: : n Evaluate, using a standardised methodology, the short-term effect of air pollution on mortality and morbidity (i.e. hospital admissions) in 16 Spanish cities n Set a network of professionals working on air pollution and health in Spain u Provide accurate and useful information on this issue u Establish the bases for an information system on air pollution and public health
The EMECAM Project started at 1997 n First Multi-center study in Spain n Funded for the Health Ministry n 12 Institutes or Public Health Departments n 14 cities 9 millions of inhabitants n Evaluated mortality-air pollution relationship Vigo Bilbao Pamplona Castellón Valencia Barcelona Sevilla Madrid Cartagena Vitoria Huelva Zaragoza Oviedo Gijón
The EMECAS Project More complete and recent data 16 cities 10 millions of inhabitants Funded for the Health Ministry ( ) Evaluating the impact of air pollution on hospital admissions
Participating Centers: n Epidemiology and Statistics Unit of the Valencian School of Studies for Health (coordination) Department of Economics, University of Girona, Andalusian School of Public Health, Granada, Public Health Authority, Madrid, Departamento de Sanidad del Gobierno Vasco Epidemiological Service, Regional Health Authority, Castelló, Preventive Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela, Health, Welfare and Labour Department, Zaragoza, Epidemiology Department, Regional Health Council, Murcia, Public Health Regional Authority, Oviedo, Health Service,Ayuntamiento de Pamplona; n Environmental Health Service, Regional Health Authority, Canary Islands.
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