- PowerPoint - Tips on writing citations, and a works cited page for MLA Style Research Papers Mrs. McDonough, Librarian Cardinal Spellman High School
All information for this PowerPoint taken from: Goldenberg, Phyllis. A Student Guide to Writing a Research Paper. New York: Sadlier- Oxford, 1997.
Good Advice: Whenever you are doing research, always cite your sources. In plain English: give title, author, publisher, etc. of anything* you have taken from somewhere other than your own brain. *(words, charts, artwork, lyrics, ideas, etc., etc.)
Plagiarism defined: To steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own; use (a created production) without crediting the source. Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary
We are using: MLA (Modern Language Association) Style of Documenting Sources. Note: There are other ways of citing sources, your teacher, college professor and/or college librarian will have information about what style to use. See: http://www.liunet,edu/cwis/cwp/library/workshop/citation.htm