Unit 8 Sense Organs: Eyes, Ears, Nose, Taste Buds Related Anatomy Unit 8 Sense Organs: Eyes, Ears, Nose, Taste Buds
1. 3 layers of the EYE Sclera (white) and Cornea (window, transparent cover) Choroid- black pigment absorb light Retina- inner layer, rods and cones, color and night vision Also iris (color) and pupil(black center)
2. 3 parts of EAR Outer ( part we see & canal) Middle (3 auditory ossicles) Inner (sensory receptors)
3. Receptors of Taste & Smell Smell- upper nose Olfactory Chemical receptors Taste- tongue Gustation Papilla on tongue Sweet,sour,salty,bitter
4. Pain Pain is protective to make us aware of tissue injury. Referred pain- pain in area near the injured organ ( arm hurts during heart attach) Ease pain by rubbing area around it??
5. Proprioceptors- maintain position of body and its parts Muscle Tendon Joint
The End