Planning “Science Operations” tasks for the PD phase NGAO PD Phase D. Le Mignant W. M. Keck Observatory 08/19/2008
2 Outline 1.“Science Operations” during PD phase 1.Narrative 2. Schematic 3.Work in progress 2.Proposed Priorities 1.High 2.Low 3.Discussion / comments
3 Science Operations during the PD phase Narrative WBS 3.2 Requirements –WBS 3.2.1: Observing Operations Concept Document (OOCD) “Example observations”, including simulations of quantitative science output from NGAO + science instrument Uses cases, leading to operations sequences and science tools WBS 3.4 System architecture –WBS 3.4.4: NGAO Sequences Definitions Document (SDD) WBS 3.6 Science Ops Tools Design –WBS Multi-system Command Sequencer (MCS) –WBS User Interfaces –WBS Pre and post-observing science support tools –WBS Data server WBS 3.9 Operations Transitions –WBS Ops Plans –WBS Ops Handover
4 NGAO sequences definitions document OOCD document: Keck standard Example observations Planning User System Observing User System Post-observing Uses cases Use case 1 User System Use case 2 User System WBS 3.2 WBS 3.4.4: Science observing planning, simulation and execution User Interfaces design WBS WBS WBS Science requirements WBS 3.1 Re-planning (phased) approach? (New) performance budgets WBS users inputs documentactivityWBS name WBS SDM (KAON 511)
5 OOCD document: Keck standard Example observations Planning User System Observing User System Post-observing Uses cases Use case 1 User System Use case 2 User System NGAO sequences definitions document WBS 3.2 WBS 3.4.4: MCS sequences WBS WBS WBS User Interfaces WBS WBS WBS documentactivityWBS name The detailed sequences will be documented In the NGAO SDD. The context will be provided in the OOCD
6 NGAO sequences definitions document WBS 3.4.4: MCS sequences WBS WBS WBS User Interfaces WBS WBS WBS NGAO software architecture document WBS External ICD WBS 3.5 Internal ICD WBS 3.6 Coordination with general software effort!! OOCD document: Keck standard Example observations Planning User System Observing User System Post-observing Uses cases Use case 1 User System Use case 2 User System WBS 3.2 documentactivityWBS name
7 NGAO sequences definitions document WBS 3.4.4: MCS sequences WBS WBS WBS User Interfaces WBS WBS WBS NGAO software architecture document WBS External ICD WBS 3.5 Internal ICD WBS 3.6 documentactivityWBS name MCS infrastructure document WBS 6.1.1: UI infrastructure document WBS 6.2.1: Data server infrastructure WBS 6.4.1: WSPS/outline for the deliverables - Operations concept? - Software Interface?
8 Science Operations during the PD phase Work in progress… Plan the deliverables: Outline/standard for the document Plan for release(s) and content update Lead person per document / section How to include (realistic) science instruments for quantitative estimates for the example observations Phase the effort (under the assumption there will be a learning curve on the science instruments)…
9 Priorities HIGH… OOCD Outline for release 1: Get buy-in and include suggestions / comments How do we include a case for the wide fov science? (assumptions, assumptions…) Sequences Definitions Document Outline and start of release 1 [Not a perfect flow-down..] Sci ops architecture Release 1 for system infrastructure (MCS)
10 Priorities low… Science operations support tools Release 1 in support of working on observing scenarios (i.e., narrow-field science:OSIRIS, VIS/NIR-IMGR) Keep it descriptive for d-IFS for instance?? User Interface (release 1 - tbd) Observing sequences control Science observing sequences Awaiting progress on science instrument [e.g., fine centering with coronagraph] Troubleshooting & alarm handling? Operations Transitions (100h for DLM) Outline for document (~ 20h or less)
11 Comments and discussion Questions about priorities? High and low “Build to cost paradigm”, can be seen as: Opportunity to deliver an integrated science machine Driven by the science instruments requirements: Review science case to cost-benefit Include design/build of science instruments Focus on science instruments rather than details on science operations and observing sequences, e.g, who cares about 5% observing efficiency when you don’t know whether there will be 0, 3 or 6 d-IFS Outstanding science instruments are key to AO success!