e- learning= 21 st Century learning Personalised learning ICT clusters Life long learners Learners learning to partnerships with school and community Extra teacher only day next year
Sharing and co-operating worldwide Blogging Teach kids how to share: what employers should see if they are googled Teachers need to teach children how to have a global voice Teacher leaders networks Teachers need to know and feel comfortable before being expected to teach
Filtering system - TKI siteTKI site Use of Icons Digistore-online teaching resources -user name and password?? Web2 tools: 2 examples Wordpress, Voice thread Wordpress: free online blogging tool Voicethread: online media album
Evolution of man add diagram link Societies coping with change well are: Idea generating-idea absorbing-willing to change We are currently educating chn for jobs that do not exist, to solve problems that aren’t even problems yet 2020 Tactic jobs will make up almost ¾ of all jobs, transitional jobs will make up just over ¼ of all jobs We need radically different ways and approaches to teaching young people. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A GOOD AND A GREAT TEACHER IS THAT GREAT TEACHERS INSPIRE AND ENCOURAGE. PLEASE INSPIRE AND ENCOURAGE IN YOUR CLASSROOM.
Teachers need to be people who are inspiring Think outside the dodecahedron Where The Hell Is Matt?Where The Hell Is Matt? We can change the world through our classrooms Global learning: Digital literacies 4 roles for the transformational teacher The Energiser- “hot personalities”, The Ethicist- values The Entrepreneur- Educational Intrapreneurs??, The Environmentalist- beyond being a greenie
Teacher training- Units of work- Student Involvement 3P’S: Provoke thought, Provide vocabulary, Promote questioning Fire fox : Teachers download Utube videos onto lap top: no connection needed, can revisit later Forums utube: visual language, -proverbs oral language
New learning =lateral learning Young children already are self selectors of multi- literacies before they even start any kind of formal educational Create necessary conditions for learning: belonging, transforming. Use story boards, plan out an advertisement for a product of their choice, video the advertisement Use Lego or claymation to make a movie in movie maker: may work for reading groups
Moodle : Moodle New Zealand Moodle New Zealand Podcast Capture: Podcast Capture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Podcast Capture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Technology in Special Schools: - technology that support children’s learning, make content electronic. Jump out: on line video editing Google chrome : only on PC, safer, more secure Google Search Engines: Pervasive Digital Content: technology that can be used everywhere eg) smart phones, social networking I need to research more about these things...
Go with a trained teacher to areas of NZ and beyond As of 2009 registration will be with individual teachers and will be FREE All trips archived On trip is a NZ trained teacher Experts available for audio conferencing Teachers in field keep dairies, take videos, panoramic photos, a field officer (soft toys)