ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 1 Lecture 23 General Solution for the Steady-State Characteristics of the Series Resonant Converter Mode index k and subharmonic number Type k CCM
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 2 Lecture 23 General Solution for the Steady-State Characteristics of the Series Resonant Converter Type k CCM
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 3 Lecture 23 Type k CCM Steady-State Solution Elliptical output characteristic with Control plane characteristic
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 4 Lecture 23 Normalization with transformers
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 5 Lecture 23 Type k CCM Waveforms Switch network output voltage Tank inductor current, odd k (ZCS) Tank inductor current, even k (ZVS)
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 6 Lecture 23 Type k DCM Tank inductor current, odd k Tank inductor current, even k
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 7 Lecture 23 Type k DCM Steady State Solution and Mode Boundaries Type k DCM, odd k Mode boundaries Output voltage and Type k DCM, even k Mode boundaries Output current and
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 8 Lecture 23 Type k DCM odd k even k Output plane Equivalent model
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 9 Lecture 23
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 10 Lecture 23 CCM and DCM Boundaries
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 11 Lecture 23 Complete SRC Characteristics Control Plane
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 12 Lecture 23 SCR Output Characteristics Above Resonance
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 13 Lecture 23 SRC Output Characteristics Selected Modes Below Resonance
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 14 Lecture 23 The Parallel Resonant Converter Basic state plane analysis The discontinuous conduction mode (DCVM) Summary of converter characteristics Design methodologies
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 15 Lecture 23 DC-DC Parallel Resonant Converter During each interval, the tank circuit reduces to
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 16 Lecture 23 State plane trajectory
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 17 Lecture 23 Averaging and flux linkage arguments
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 18 Lecture 23 Averaging and flux linkage arguments
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 19 Lecture 23 Steady-state solution
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 20 Lecture 23 Steady state solution of state plane 1. Find expr. for radii in subintervals 2 and 3 (Define angles ζ and ξ)
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 21 Lecture 23 Steady state solution of state plane 2a. Find expr. for j L at end of subinterval 2 (ω 0 t = γ)
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 22 Lecture 23 Steady state solution of state plane 2b. Find expr. for j L at start of subinterval 3 (ω 0 t = γ)
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 23 Lecture 23 Steady state solution of state plane 2c. Equate expr. for j L at end of subinterval 2 and (ω 0 t = γ) start of subinterval 3 (ω 0 t = γ)
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 24 Lecture 23 Steady state solution of state plane 3a. Find expr. for m c at end of subinterval 2 (ω 0 t = γ)
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 25 Lecture 23 Steady state solution of state plane 3b. Find expr. for m c at start of subinterval 3 (ω 0 t = γ)
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 26 Lecture 23 Steady state solution of state plane 3c. Equate expr. for m c at end of subinterval 2 and (ω 0t = γ) start of subinterval 3 (ω 0 t = γ)
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 27 Lecture 23 Steady state solution of state plane 4. Find expr. for φ using j L and m c boundary matching conditions
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 28 Lecture 23 Steady state solution of state plane 5. Solve for J L1 and then M in terms of φ
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 29 Lecture 23 Steady state solution of state plane 6. Two possible trajectories for given M and J
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 30 Lecture 23 Two possible trajectories for given M and J
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 31 Lecture 23 Two possible trajectories for given M and J
ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics 34 Lecture 23 CCM output plane characteristics