The role of IEEE WSU student branch in this program would be the liaison between the volunteering tutors and the students. IEEE WSU TUTORING PROGRAM
This program is advertised in various departments through flyers & announcements in the class. Students who wish to volunteer as tutors for various courses should sign up to this program through our website accepting the terms and conditions. Students who wish to avail this opportunity should also sign up through our website accepting the terms and conditions. IEEE WSU TUTORING PROGRAM
The courses offered would be of under graduate level from various departments like: ECE. MATHEMATICS. PHYSICS. CHEMISTRY. IEEE WSU TUTORING PROGRAM
The role of IEEE WSU, after tutors and students signed up, would be: 1.Tutors are matched for students, respective of the course. 2.An IEEE representative will schedule an appointment with the tutor and explain his/her terms and liabilities. 3.The tutor should sign a written agreement with IEEE WSU accepting his/her terms and liabilities in order to completely enrolled in this program. IEEE WSU TUTORING PROGRAM
4.A written agreement for the student is handed over to the tutor. 5.It is his/her own duty, to explain the terms and liabilities to the student at their first meeting. 6.Student has to accept and sign up the written agreement at his/her first meeting in order to continue in this program. IEEE WSU TUTORING PROGRAM
Things IEEE WSU will not do 1.IEEE will not disclose the contact information of either the student or the tutor except name and course. 2.IEEE will not arrange the place for their meeting after their first meet. IEEE WSU TUTORING PROGRAM
Terms and liabilities of IEEE WSU: IEEE will not be responsible for the grades of the student. IEEE will not be responsible for anything after the first meet. IEEE is not liable, if either student or tutor steps back in the middle of the program. Tutors should not do homework's. Students or tutors should contact IEEE for any concern. IEEE WSU TUTORING PROGRAM
Sign up form: The sign up form for the tutors or the students would require their Name, Contact info ( id & phone), 16-digit shocker ID and the course in which they wish to sign up. IEEE WSU TUTORING PROGRAM
Conditions of IEEE WSU in this program: GTA’s are not allowed to teach courses that they are currently teaching. IEEE WSU is not responsible for availability of tutors for all the courses. IEEE WSU TUTORING PROGRAM