American Political Parties
Political Parties Provide a way for the public to choose who will serve in government and which policies will be carried out.
3 roles of Party Affiliation: 1. Party in the Electorate: Include all of the people who describe themselves as a party member at registration. (Anyone can change party affiliation at will)
2. Party as an Organization: Run the party by making rules, raising money, organizing conventions, helping with elections, and seeking candidates. Set the party's agenda. 3 roles of Party Affiliation:
3. Party in Government: Work "inside" after being elected to office. Translate promises into public policy. 3 roles of Party Affiliation:
What do parties do? A. Select Candidates: Through primaries (Preliminary elections) Narrow the field from many to one candidate.
What do parties do? B. Inform the Public about the Party. Advertising Canvassing.
What do parties do? C. Coordinate Policy Making –1. Sets the agenda when in power –2 Monitors the minority party when out of power
What do parties do? D. Balances Competing Interest > Brings many interest within the party together. Compromises to unify the party platform from a variety of interest to one consensus viewpoint.
What do parties do? E. Runs the Campaigns: Recruits and registers new members. Staffs polling places.
Why continue a two party system?
The Political Spectrum Acetate PP–3
Effect of Third Parties on Vote Distribution Acetate PP–6
Declining Partisan Loyalties Acetate PP–7