1 Range Encoding Cheng-Chien Su
2 Outline DRES: Dynamic Range Encoding Scheme for TCAM Coprocessors Hao Che, Zhijun Wang, Kai Zheng, Bin Liu IEEE Trans. Computers, Packet Classifiers In Ternary CAMs Can Be Smaller Qunfeng Dong, Suman Banerjee, Jia Wang, Dheeraj Agrawal, Ashutosh Shukla Proc. ACM SIGMetrics, 2006 TCAM Razor: A Systematic Approach Towards Minimizing Packet Classifiers in TCAMs Chad R. Meiners, Alex X. Liu, Eric Tomg Proc. IEEE ICNP, 2007 Layered Interval Codes for TCAM-based Classification Anat Bremler-Barr, Herzliya, David Hay, Danny Hendler, Boris Farber Proc. ACM SIGMetrics, 2008 Efficient Multi-Match Packet Classification with TCAM Fang Yu, Randy H. Katz Proc. IEEE HOTI, 2004
3 DRES: Dynamic Range Encoding Scheme for TCAM Coprocessors (1/5) Why is DRES? Why is Code Vector? Why is Index Vector?
4 DRES: Dynamic Range Encoding Scheme for TCAM Coprocessors (2/5) Dynamic Range Selection Algorithm Selecting m ranges for encoding out of n ranges. S i is the number of subranges needed to exactly implement range R i in a TCAM. E i is the number of rule entries to implement all of the rules that contain range R i. G i is the encoding gain for R i, defined as the number of rule entries that can be eliminated if R i is encoded. To select m ranges to be encoded, m steps are required, each selecting one range.
5 DRES: Dynamic Range Encoding Scheme for TCAM Coprocessors (3/5)
6 DRES: Dynamic Range Encoding Scheme for TCAM Coprocessors (4/5) Ranges R1-R5 come from the destination port field. R1{256, 512}, R2{768, 2047}, R3{6000, 6064}, R4{>1023}, R5{512, 1536} Ranges R6-R7 ranges come from the source port field. R6{>1023}, R7{256, 512}.
7 DRES: Dynamic Range Encoding Scheme for TCAM Coprocessors (5/5)
8 Packet Classifiers In Ternary CAMs Can Be Smaller (1/6) Their proposed techniques for defining semantically equivalent packet classifiers requiring fewer TCAM entries to represent. Expanding Rule Trimming Rule Adding Rule Merging Rule
9 Packet Classifiers In Ternary CAMs Can Be Smaller (2/6) Expanding Rule
10 Packet Classifiers In Ternary CAMs Can Be Smaller (3/6) Trimming Rule
11 Packet Classifiers In Ternary CAMs Can Be Smaller (4/6) Adding Rule
12 Packet Classifiers In Ternary CAMs Can Be Smaller (5/6) Merging Rule
13 Packet Classifiers In Ternary CAMs Can Be Smaller (6/6)
14 TCAM Razor: A Systematic Approach Towards Minimizing Packet Classifiers in TCAMs