Higher Education Bridge Certificate Authority (HEBCA) Project Progress Fed/Ed December 2004
2 HEBCA Project What is it? –The HEBCA Project being undertaken by Dartmouth College includes all activities related to the instantiation and operation of a production-level Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Bridge Certificate Authority for the Higher Education community.
3 HEBCA Project What will it provide? –The HEBCA Project will create and maintain three new Certificate Authority (CA) systems for EDUCAUSE and will also house the existing HEBCA Prototype CA –The three CA systems to be created are: HEBCA Test CA HEBCA Development CA HEBCA Production CA –The HEBCAs will be used to cross-certify Higher Education PKI trust anchors to create a bridged trust network –The HEBCA Test CA will also be cross-certified with the Prototype FBCA (other emerging Bridge CAs are also targets) and the HEBCA production CAs will be cross-certified with the production FBCA.
4 HEBCA Project What will it look like?
5 HEBCA Project What’s been done so far? –Prototype HEBCA operational and cross-certified with the Prototype FBCA –Draft of Production HEBCA CP produced –Draft of Production HEBCA CPS started –Operational Authority contractor engaged (Dartmouth) –MOA with commercial vendor for CA software and licenses (RSA) –MOA with commercial vendor for infrastructure hardware (Sun) –Development phase underway –Policy Authority formed –Preliminary Policy Mapping completed with FBCA –New Prototype infrastructure instantiated at Dartmouth and utilized by Bridge-to-Bridge interoperability demonstrations –Prototype Registry of Directories (RoD) deployed at Dartmouth
6 HEBCA Project Projected Milestones –Deployment phase complete by 7/31/05 Dartmouth based Prototype developed and operation by 11/19/04 HEBCA Test CA operational by 2/1/05 –Cross-certification with FBCA by 2/28/05 Cross-certify Existing HE Domain CAs with Test CA by 4/4/05 HEBCA Production CA operational by 7/1/05 –Cross-certification with FBCA by 7/31/05 Start HE Domain CAs cross-certification with HEBCA Production CA by 8/1/05 –Post Operation Start Activities Other Bridge cross-certifications Improvements to system Improved Test bed for Bridge-aware applications
7 HEBCA Project
8 For More Information HEBCA Website: Scott Rea - Steve Worona -