Foot-and-Mouth Disease Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine Jeffrey Musser DVM, PhD, DABVP Suzanne Burnham, DVM
Foot-and-mouth Disease Disease Basics Image taken from: Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-mouth Disease Contents Definition and Etiology Host range Incubation Clinical signs Transmission Diagnosis Differential Diagnosis Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-mouth Disease Known around the world as Afta epizotica Bek-en-klouseer Fiebre Aftosa Fievre aphteuse Maul-und-Klauenseuche Foreign Animal Diseases, USAHA, 1992. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Foot-and-mouth disease is a highly contagious, viral disease of domestic cloven-hoofed and many wild animals characterized by erosions in the mucosa of the mouth and hooves. Image courtesy of Dr Tom McKenna Image courtesy of Dr Tom McKenna Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease This devastating disease is considered to be the most important livestock disease in the world. It is THE most contagious virus disease of animals. It has not occurred in the US since 1929. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Worldwide Occurrence of FMD A O C As SAT Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Countries that are foot-and-mouth disease-free do NOT want to re-import the disease FMD free countries have instituted embargoes on agricultural imports from countries where effective control is not practiced Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Important factors Short incubation period Release of virus prior to appearance of clinical signs Massive quantities of virus released Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Extended survival in the environment Multitude of routes of virus transmission Minimal size of the infective dose Aerosol transmission possible up to 250 km depending on strain and environmental conditions (10km, 170km, 250km reported over water) William White, PIADC Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Although not very lethal to adult animals, it causes serious production losses. Image 1 provided by Dr Corrie Brown, Image 2 provided by Dr Tom McKenna World cow image taken from Internet at: FMD is a major constraint to international trade in livestock and livestock products Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-mouth Disease: Etiology Host range Incubation Clinical signs Transmission Diagnosis Differential Diagnosis Image provided by USDA Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Etiology The virion is non-enveloped, small, (about 23-25 nm in Diameter), and has icosahedral symmetry. It is composed of a single-stranded RNA genome of about 8,000 nucleotides. Paul Sutmoller, Dr. Med. Vet., Animal Health Consultant, Richmond, Virginia, USA, Reviewed by Peter D McKercher, D.V.M., Ocala, Florida, USA Foreign Animal Diseases, USAHA 1992. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Etiology Foot-and-mouth Disease virus (FMDV) Family Picornaviridae, genus Aphthovirus 7 serological types: Type A Type O, Type C, South African Territories (SAT) 1, South African Territories (SAT) 2, South African Territories (SAT) 3, and Asia 1 Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Etiology Foot-and-mouth Disease virus (FMDV) Over 60 subtypes Antigenic variation seems to be greatest for Serotype A. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-mouth Disease: Etiology Host range Incubation Clinical signs Transmission Diagnosis Differential Diagnosis Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Host Range All cloven-hoofed domestic animals: Cattle and Buffalo Sheep Goats Swine Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Host Range Most cloven-footed wild animals: Deer Bison Feral hogs Antelope Wild hog image from Texas Animal Health Commission with thanks to Dr Ken Waldrup Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Host Range Water buffalo can be carriers for 5 years Llamas and alpacas are susceptible, but of no epidemiological significance Image courtesy of Dr Linda Logan African water buffalo Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Host Range Giraffes Elephants Images by Linda Logan and Tita Burnham Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Host Range Armadillos Armadillos are not only susceptible but are capable of transmitting the disease to each other and possibly to other species USAHA Proceedings 1974: “Clinical and serological response of the Nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) to viruses of African Swine Fever, Hog Cholera, Rinderpest Vesicular Exanthema of Swine, Vesicular Stomatitis and Foot-and-mouth disease” USAHA Proceedings 1974: “Clinical and serological response of the Nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) to viruses of African Swine Fever, Hog Cholera, Rinderpest Vesicular Exanthema of Swine, Vesicular Stomatitis and Foot-and-mouth disease” Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Host Range Hedgehogs Nutria Capybaras Rats, Mice and Guinea pigs can be infected experimentally Experimentally hedgehogs can become infected with FMD virus, and can transmit the disease to other hedgehogs. JJ Callis Image from the following website accessed on Aug. 22, 2006: Capybara Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Host Range Not seen in odd-toed animals such as horses, zebras or rhinos Horse image from: Rhino image from: Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Image by Dr Linda Logan, Cairo Jan. 2006 Old World Camel is resistant to natural infection Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Host Range indicator maintenance Slide borrowed from Dr L Logan with permission amplifier Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-mouth Disease: Etiology Host range Incubation Clinical signs Transmission Diagnosis Differential Diagnosis Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Incubation Incubation period depends on which strain of FMD virus (7 serotypes), dosage, and the route of entry. As short as 2-3 days in close contact As long as 10-14 days from windborne infection Experimentally shown to be as short as 18-24 hours Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Minimum doses of FMD virus to initiate infection Respiratory Oral Route Route Cattle 12 TCID50 1X 106 TCID50 Pigs 20 TCID50 8X 103TCID50 Sheep 10 TCID50 Impalas 1 TCID50 Geering, W.A., A.J. Forman and M.J. Nunn, Exotic Diseases of Animals, 1995; Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, p.115. Foot-and-mouth disease, a presentation by Dr Moritz van Vuuren given at the Foreign Animal and Emerging Diseases Course, Knoxville, Tenn., 2005 Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Pathogenesis Most animals acquire virus usually by inhalation Humans and pigs are more susceptible to infection by oral route Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Pathogenesis Initial replication in terminal bronchioles, 24hpi Subsequent viremia with spread to stratified squamous epithelium ISH Images from L Logan and C Brown H&E Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Cytolytic replication in stratum spinosum cells, creating vesicle H&E ISH From Corrie Brown Virus can be detected in most cells during viremia but vesicles or blisters form in areas of rapid cell growth and where friction occurs naturally such as in the mouth or between toes. Cytolytic replication in stratum spinosum cells, creating vesicle Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Image from the Pig: from the “Pig” and Foot-and-mouth blisters on a pig's snout Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease 24 hrs after infection, virus begins replicating Virus is excreted in high quantities in expired air, in all secretions including milk, and from ruptured vesicles. Pigs can excrete up to 400 million infective virus particles a day “Virus is excreted in high quantities in expired air, in all secretions and excretions (including milk and semen), and from ruptured vesicles. Pigs liberate vast quantities of airborne virus in their expired breath. An infected pig can excrete up to 400 million TCID50 a day, but ruminant animals excrete a maximum of only 120,000 TCID50 a day.” Geering, W.A., A.J. Forman and M.J. Nunn, Exotic Diseases of Animals, 1995; Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, p.115. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Excretion of FMD virus can begin up to 14 days BEFORE clinical disease becomes apparent. Tomasula, P.M. and R.P. Konstance. “The Survival of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus in Raw and Pasteurized Milk and Milk Products”. Journal of Dairy Science, 2004; 87:1115-1121. Image by Dr Suzanne Burnham Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Pathogenesis Virus replication in respiratory epithelium and lymphoid tissue In domestic ruminants pharynx and dorsal soft palate are predilection site for replication of FMDv Virus persists there for prolonged periods Thomson, G. R. and Bastos, A. D. S. “Foot-and-mouth disease” Ch 125 of Infectious Diseases of Livestock, Volume 2. Ed. J. A. W. Coetzer and R. C. Tustin. Oxford University Press, second edition, 2004, 1324-1365. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Replication in lymphoid tissue, tonsils mucosa of soft palate Virus can be recovered from retropharyngeal, mandibular, and parotid lymph nodes in more than 50% of cattle in pre-viremic stage Thomson, G. R. and Bastos, A. D. S. “Foot-and-mouth disease” Ch 125 of Infectious Diseases of Livestock, Volume 2. Ed. J. A. W. Coetzer and R. C. Tustin. Oxford University Press, second edition, 2004, 1324-1365. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease High virus levels may occur in organs and tissues which do not generally develop gross changes including unaffected skin areas Thomson, G. R. and Bastos, A. D. S. “Foot-and-mouth disease” Ch 125 of Infectious Diseases of Livestock, Volume 2. Ed. J. A. W. Coetzer and R. C. Tustin. Oxford University Press, second edition, 2004, 1324-1365. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Characteristic Blister Formation Epithelial lesions of FMD are initiated by infection of single cells in the stratum spinosum. Following infection, bullae develop by lysis of cell swollen by degeneration and release of intracellular fluid or focal intercellular edema Bullae coalesce and rupture Thomson, G. R. and Bastos, A. D. S. “Foot-and-mouth disease” Ch 125 of Infectious Diseases of Livestock, Volume 2. Ed. J. A. W. Coetzer and R. C. Tustin. Oxford University Press, second edition, 2004, 1324-1365. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Characteristic Blister Formation Development of characteristic vesicular lesions depends on 2 factors: Infection of epithelium Persistent local irritation or friction Thomson, G. R. and Bastos, A. D. S. “Foot-and-mouth disease” Ch 125 of Infectious Diseases of Livestock, Volume 2. Ed. J. A. W. Coetzer and R. C. Tustin. Oxford University Press, second edition, 2004, 1324-1365. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease This explains why the mouth, feet and teats are predilections sites for blisters in cattle; the dorsum of the snout in pigs from snuffling, on the knees of warthogs that kneel when feeding Thomson, G. R. and Bastos, A. D. S. “Foot-and-mouth disease” Ch 125 of Infectious Diseases of Livestock, Volume 2. Ed. J. A. W. Coetzer and R. C. Tustin. Oxford University Press, second edition, 2004, 1324-1365. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-mouth Disease: Etiology Host range Incubation Clinical signs Transmission Diagnosis Differential Diagnosis Foot-and-Mouth Disease
General Clinical Signs Images from the USDA Image Library Foot-and-Mouth Disease
General Clinical Signs Vesicles and erosions in the mucosa of the mouth, and skin-hoof junction Excessive salivation Lameness Foot-and-Mouth Disease
General Clinical Signs Listless Lifting feet alternately Lameness Clear nasal discharge progressing to mucopurulent Image from USDA image library Foot-and-Mouth Disease
General Clinical Signs Blisters in the mouth Blisters on the muzzle Blisters on the tongue Excessive Salivation Image from USDA image library Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Signs develop rapidly in cattle and are more severe than lesions in pigs, sheep or goats. If all species are exposed together, cattle will show signs first. Some serotypes of FMDV affect particular species more than others. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Clinical Signs in Cattle Fever (103°-106°F) Depression Anorexia Milk production ceases Blisters start to form in the mouth Excessive ropy, viscous salivation Blisters rupture within 24 hrs leaving raw, painful ulcers Mouth lesions usually heal in 10 - 14 days Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Clinical Signs in Cattle Blisters form on: Mouth Tongue Dental pad Gums Soft palate Muzzle Nostrils Feet Inter-digital space Coronary band Teats Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Image courtesy of Dr Tom McKenna Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Images courtesy of Dr Tom McKenna Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Images courtesy of Dr Tom McKenna Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease usda Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Clinical Signs in Cattle Body tremors from pain Lameness from developing lesions on feet Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Clinical Signs in Cattle Lameness Coronary band lesion first appears blanched Blisters form between the digits Stamping and shaking of feet Trembling Excretion of virus from foot lesions tends to last a day or two longer than from mouth lesions, so foot lesions may be a better source of virus for diagnostic purposes in older cases. Geering Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Clinical Signs in Cattle Smacking of the lips and sucking of the sore tongue is characteristic Secondary Bacterial infections Mastitis –permanent damage to udder Pregnant cows may abort Copious salivation in an acutely affected Balinese cow, (P.T Hooper) from Geering, p. 119. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Progression of disease Blisters at infection site initially appear as blanched area in the epithelium Area fills with serous fluid forming a vesicle Vesicles enlarge and coalesce Vesicles crack or rupture leaking fluid The epithelium necroses off leaving raw ulcer or erosion Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Progression of disease Grey fibrinous coating forms over lesions The coating becomes discolored, yellow, brown, green As epithelium is restored, lines of demarcation are evident Sometimes but not always, permanent scars form Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Progression of disease When blisters are present, cattle salivate profusely with ropy viscous material hanging from mouth Also see severe lacrimation and nasal discharge When vesicles rupture, fever ends followed by end of viremia Start to finish, signs last 15-30 days. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Progression of disease Recovered animals are permanently unthrifty Image by Dr Suzanne Burnham Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Aging lesions in cattle Day One Formation of fluid-filled blister, or vesicle 2 mm-10 cm on the dorsal surface of the tongue Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Aging lesions in cattle Day Six Day Four Salivation increases as vesicles form and rupture. Symptoms increase in intensity. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Aging lesions in cattle Days 8-14 Animals may recover in 2 weeks. Only 1-5% die from FMD High morbidity, Low mortality Lines of demarcation Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Clinical Signs in Cattle Morbidity approaches 100% in a susceptible herd. Merck FMD – Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay. 2000 Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Clinical Signs in Cattle Low Mortality Rarely fatal except in young animals Extra-epithelial replication limited to myocardium, immature animals only USDA USDA Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Clinical Signs in Cattle Young calves may die without showing any clinical signs Images taken by S Burnham Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease In young animals there is focal necrosis of cardiac muscle. “Tiger heart” 50-80% young animals die (calves, lambs, etc) Image provided Drs Linda Logan and Tom McKenna by Dr Linda Logan USDA USDA Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Recovery Recovered animals are “poor doers” Image by Dr Linda Logan Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Recovery “More than 200 cows infected in Cambodian foot-and-mouth disease outbreak” Time is GMT + 8 hours Posted: 25-Jul-2005 12:19 hrs A cow stands on a bank of the Tonle Sap River. More than 200 cattle in Cambodia have been infected with foot-and-mouth disease since an outbreak last month northwest of the capital, but have since recovered. More than 200 cattle have been sickened with foot-and-mouth disease since June but now all the cattle have recovered and it has not spread," said Keo Rithy, deputy chief of Kampong Chhnang's animal health and production office. Cattle in three villages in Kampong Chhnang province had been infected but none had died and no cullings were carried out, he told AFP. Foot-and-mouth disease is a severe, highly contagious viral disease that affects all species of cloven-hoofed animals but is not usually fatal in fully grown animals. Financial losses as a result of the disease can be significant both in direct losses due to deaths in young animals, loss of milk, loss of meat and a decrease in productive performance. Cambodian farmers depend heavily on cows and buffaloes for their livelihoods. — AFP More than 200 cattle in Cambodia have been infected with foot-and-mouth disease since an outbreak last month northwest of the capital but have since recovered, an animal health official said. "More than 200 cattle have been sickened with foot-and-mouth disease since June but now all the cattle have recovered and it has not spread," said Keo Rithy, deputy chief of Kampong Chhnang's animal health and production office. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Up to 50% of recovered ruminants continue to shed the virus sporadically, 6-24 months post-infection. Images by Dr Suzanne Burnham Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Water buffalo can be carriers for 5 years Photo by Dr Linda Logan Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Clinical Signs in Swine Fever No appetite Reluctant to move Worst blistering is on the feet May slough the hoof Abortion Suckling piglets die suddenly – even before blisters develop USDA Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Tom McKenna Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Tom McKenna Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Clinical Signs in Swine USDA Blisters on teats and udders Mastitis Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Clinical Signs in Swine USDA Pigs –Reluctance to move, painful toes Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Tom McKenna Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Clinical Signs in Sheep and Goats USDA Vesicles on dental pad and between toes Prone to develop secondary foot-rot Lamb death, 50-90% Sheep can be carriers for up to 9 months Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Image courtesy of Dr Tom McKenna Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Image courtesy of Dr Tom McKenna Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Clinical Signs in Sheep and Goats When sheep or goats become infected with FMD, the disease may not be diagnosed for a considerable time because the clinical signs may be very mild. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Sheep may appear healthy but will be producing infectious aerosols or spreading the virus via urine, feces or direct contact. Image by Dr Kenneth Waldrup Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Lesions in giraffe Image from presentation on FMD by Moritz van Vuuren at 2005 FEAD course in Tennessee Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-mouth Disease: Etiology Host range Incubation Clinical signs Transmission Diagnosis Differential Diagnosis Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Transmission Aerosols/Airborne, Inhaled Direct or indirect contact-droplets, Ingestion Artificial Insemination Vectors (vehicles, equipment, or humans) Carrier state Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Transmission Aerosol Spread of aerosols from infected animals, given the right temperature and humidity can travel 250km on the wind Aerosols transmission via dust storms in Africa spread FMD to England Dr tom McKenna Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Transmission Airborne on the wind Airborne from burning pyres suspected Airborne from infected milk transport Image by Dr Kenneth Waldrup Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Transmission Aerosol droplets spread from infected animal Sheds 400,000,000 virus particles per day Only takes 10-12 virus particles to infect one cow Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Transmission Direct or indirect contact with infected animals Feral hog image from Texas Animal Health Commission, permission by Dr Ken Waldrup “World cow” from Internet If infected feral hogs come into contact with domestic livestock in the US, it will affect the whole world! Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Transmission Foot and mouth disease virus can be transmitted via: Milk Semen Saliva Feces Urine Breath Foot and mouth disease virus can be transmitted from incubating or clinically affected animals via: milk, semen, saliva, feces, urine, breath “Supersoaker fights on the dairy farm” Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Transmission Ingestion- Feeding contaminated garbage (meat, milk, glands, bones, cheese, etc) Intraocular Artificial insemination, or natural reproduction Foot-and-mouth disease can be introduced into a free area in many ways. Airborne droplets with FMD virus is probably the most natural means of infection, but the virus can be transmitted many ways. FMD can be transmitted through the eye. (Sutmoller, P. and McVicar, J.W., “Foot-and-mouth Disease: Early virus growth after conjunctival exposure of cattle”. Archiv. Fur Gesamte Virusforschung, as reported by Callis, J.J., “Foot-and-mouth Disease in Cattle – Some Relationships Between Pathogenesis and Epizootiology”. Foreign Animal Diseases Seminar, Proceedings. March 15-16, 1980, University of Missouri, CVM with USDA, APHIS, VS, Emergency Programs, PIADC. P.1-10. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Vectors Contact with contaminated objects (equipment, footwear, clothing) Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Transmission by humans A person in contact with infected animals may retain and exhale virus for up to 36 hours and serve as source of infection. Humans serve as a mechanical vector when moving from infected animals to susceptible animals. Amass, S.F., J.M. Pacheco, P.W. Mason, J.L. Schneider, R.M. Alvarez, L.K. Clark, and D. Ragland, “Procedures for preventing the transmission of foot-and-mouth disease virus to pigs and sheep by personnel in contact with infected pigs”. Veterinary Record, 2003; 153, 137-40. Amass, S. F., P. W. Mason, J. M. Pacheco, C. A. Miller, A. Ramirez, L. K. Clark, D. Ragland, J. L. Schneider, and S. J. Kenyon, “Procedures for preventing transmission of foot-and-mouth disease virus (O/TAW/97) by people”. Veterinary Microbiology 2004; 103:143-9. Hyslop, N.S. “Transmission of the virus of FMD between animals and man”. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1973; 49: 577-585. Sellers, R.F., Donaldson, A.I., Herniman, K.A., “Inhalation, persistence and dispersal of foot-and-mouth disease virus by man. J. Hyg. (Lond)1970; 68, 565-573. Sellers RF, Donaldson AI, Herniman KAJ, “Transfer of foot and mouth disease virus by man”, Vet Record 1971; 68: 447-449. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Transmission Birds can be mechanical vectors and can pass viable FMD virus after ingestion, but are not considered a factor in the spread of the disease Donaldson, A. I., “Quantitative data on air-borne foot-and-mouth disease virus. Philosophic Transactions of the Royal Society of London, B, 302: 529-34, 1983. Hurst, G.W. “foot –and-Mouth disease: the possibility of continental sources of the virus in England in epidemics in Oct. 1967 and several other years” Veterinary Record 81: 610-4, 1968. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Birds can also be infected with FMD virus and shed virus in feces Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Intentional act of Bioterrorism Courtesy Maryland Dept of Agriculture Public Affairs Effective if humidity is >60% Can travel 60km overland or 300km over water images/nzcropduster.jpg Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-mouth Disease: Etiology Host range Incubation Clinical signs Transmission Diagnosis Differential Diagnosis Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Diagnosis Serum neutralization test Complement fixation test Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay FAO Field diagnosis Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease FMD Testing Slide designed by Tom McKenna, Bill White PIADC used with permission of Dr McKenna Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Laboratory Diagnosis For virus For antibodies ELISA Virus neutralization Virus isolation Agar gel immunodiffusion PCR* Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-mouth Disease: Etiology Host range Incubation Clinical signs Transmission Diagnosis Differential Diagnosis Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Differential Diagnosis As a vesicular type disease: Vesicular stomatitis, swine vesicular disease of pigs, vesicular exanthema of pigs Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Differential Diagnosis Based on ulcerative lesions in the mouth or on the muzzle: BVD/MD MCF Bluetongue and other orbiviruses LSD IBR Rinderpest Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Differential Diagnosis Based on foot lesions: Dermatophilosis Foot-rot MCF Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Differential Diagnosis Vesicular Stomatitis Bovine Mammilitis Bovine Viral Diarrhea Bovine Papular Stomatitis Mucosal Disease (foot lesions) Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Rinderpest Bluetongue (foot lesions) Peste des Petits Ruminants Foot Rot Chemical Irritants Swine Vesicular Disease Vesicular Exanthema - swine Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease FMD or VS? Cannot distinguish clinically Cow with Vesicular Stomatitis, Image courtesy of Dr Tom McKenna Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease FMD vs VS VS is not as contagious as FMD FMD does not affect horses VS - Domestic animals are probably not primary hosts. VS - Vector-borne disease. VS - No effective vaccines available in US. VS - Requires specific ecological conditions. VS - Infects large number of wild species. Both are zoonotic diseases Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Rapid spread of foot-and-mouth disease world-wide…. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
FMD Type O 1990
FMD Type O 1994
FMD Type O 1997
FMD Type O 1999
FMD Type O 2000
FMD Type O 2001
Foot - and - Mouth Disease Distribution and Recent Activity 1999 2000 Free Present Recent Activity 1999 2000 2001 (Rev. 5 - 05 - 01)
Images Acknowledgement Capybaras: David Pearce, BLTC Research, accessed 8/22/06. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Image Watermark “KAW” images by Dr. Ken A. Waldrup “MvanVuuren” images used with permission by Dr. Moritz van Vuuren “LLogan” images by Dr. Linda Logan “Suz” images by Dr Suzanne Burnham “USDA” images by staff at PIADC Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Bibliography Committee on Foreign Animal Diseases of the United States Animal Heath Association, “Foreign Animal Diseases” 1992, Ch. Vesicular Diseases, p. 368-382. W. A. Geering,, Exotic Diseases of Animals: a field guide for Australian veterinarians, 1995, Ch Foot-and-mouth disease, p.112-131 Ninth Edition of Merck Veterinary Manual M. Van Vuuren, Foot-and-mouth Disease, an Overview, University of Pretoria 2005, Presentation given at Knoxville, Tenn. FEAD course. Thomson, G. R. and Bastos, A. D. S. “Foot-and-mouth disease” Ch 125 of Infectious Diseases of Livestock, Volume 2. Ed. J. A. W. Coetzer and R. C. Tustin. Oxford University Press, second edition, 2004, 1324-1365. Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Bibliography Tomasula, P.M. and R.P. Konstance. “The Survival of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus in Raw and Pasteurized Milk and Milk Products”. Journal of Dairy Science, 2004; 87:1115-1121. Callis, J.J. et al. “Foot-and-mouth Disease – A Review”. JAVMA, 1968; 153:12, 1798-1802. Musser, J.M.B. “A practitioner’s primer on foot-and-mouth disease”. JAVMA, 2004; 224:8, 1261-1268. Alexandersen, S., et al. “The Pathogenesis and Diagnosis of Foot-and-Mouth Disease”. J. Comp. Path. 2003; 129:1-36. O.I.E. USDA, APHIS, VS, The Grey Book. And associated websites. Personal interviews with Dr Logan, Dr McKenna, Dr Coetzer, Dr VanVuuren and Dr Waldrup Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-mouth Disease Acknowledgements Special thanks to Linda Logan, DVM PhD Ken Waldrup, DVM PhD Jeffrey Musser, DVM Professor Moritz van Vuuren Kelsey Pohler- Research Assistant Charles Swanson - Dairy Science student Joe Stevens – Dairy Science student Tom McKenna, DVM PhD Corrie Brown, DVM PhD Foot-and-Mouth Disease