Recent Results Lutz Köpke University of Mainz, Germany July 31,
Upgrade and IceCube Neutrinos Cosmic rays Contributed papers to ICRC Response of AMANDA to cosmic ray muons Cosmic ray flux measurement Cosmic ray composition at the knee with SPASE and AMANDA Atmospheric neutrino and muon spectra Search for diffuse fluxes of extraterrestrial muon neutrinos AMANDA-B10 limit on UHE-Neutrinos Search for high energy neutrinos of all flavours Search for extraterrestrial point sources of neutrinos Search for muons from WIMP annihilation in center of earth Search for high energy neutrinos from GRBs Online search for neutrino bursts from Supernovae New capabilities of the AMANDA detector The IceCube high energy neutrino telescope IceTop: the surface component of IceCube Simulation of ice Cherenkov detectors for IceTop + 3 individual contributions black: parallel talk
Physics motivation origin and acceleration of cosmic rays understand cosmic cataclysms find new kind of objects? neutrino properties ( , cross sections..) dark matter (neutralino annihilation) tests of relativitiy.... search for big bang relics... effects of extra dimension etc....
Neutrino source candidates Active Galaxy (optically dense, e.g. FRII) Black hole with 10 8 x mass of sun 10 6 LJ extra-galactic Supernova remnant Microquasar (SS433 etc.) Crab nebula Black hole with mass of sun 1 LJ galactic
Electromagnetic and hadronic cascades ~ 5 m Detection of e, , O(km) long muon tracks direction determination by Cherenkov light timing 15 m e : : =1:2:0 at source e : : =1:1:1 at Earth !
Detection of muon neutrinos atmospheric muons ( e ) cosmic radiation ( e ) Earth acts as shield O(PeV): use horizontal events O(10 PeV): use events from above Above O(PeV): significant absorption: O(10 PeV)
Complementarity (point sources): South Pole (ice) AMANDA, ICECUBE dots: distribution of gamma ray bursts (GRBs) galactic center in middle E < 100 TeV Mediterranean (ocean) Antares, Nestor, 1 km 3...
Northern hemisphere detectors Baikal NT m deep data taking since 1998 new: 3 distant strings AntaresNestor March 17, strings connected 2400 m deep completion: start 2006 March 29, of 12 floors deployed 4000 m deep completion: 2006
Optical module (677) Amundsen-Scott Station South Pole AMANDA II Detector
The AMANDA Collaboration Venezuela (1) Europe (10+1) Antarctica New Zealand USA (7+3) Japan Bartol Research Institute UC Berkeley UC Iivine Pennsylvania State UW Madison UW River Falls LBL Berkeley U. Simón Bolivar, Caracas VUB, Brussel ULB-IHEE, Bruxelles U. de Mons-Hainaut Imperial College, London DESY, Zeuthen Mainz Universität Wuppertal Universität Stockholm Universitet Uppsala Universitet Kalmar Universitet South Pole Station Antarctica 150 members + associated institutes e.g. Chiba University
South Pole AMANDA The laboratory
The Dome The new station operating at least until 2035
Two events TeV e candidate
Detector capabilities muons: directional error: ° energy resolution: ¶ 0.3 – 0.4 coverage: 2 primary cosmic rays: (+ SPASE) energy resolution: ¶ 0.07 – 0.10 „cascades“: (e ±, , neutral current) zenith error: ° energy resolution: ¶ 0.1 – 0.2 coverage: 4 effective area (schematic): E E 3 cm 2 -interaction in earth, cuts 2 -5m GeV 100 TeV 100 PeV ¶ [log 10 (E/TeV)]
Atmospheric muons in AMANDA-II PRELIMINARY threshold energy ~ 40 GeV (zenith averaged) Atmospheric muons and neutrinos: AMANDA‘s test beams much improved simulation...but data 30% higher than MC... normalize to most vertical bin Systematic errors: 10% scattering ( 400nm) absorption 400nm) 20% optical module sensitivity 10% refreezing of ice in hole poster 1-P-265
Cosmic Ray flux measurement empirical separation of ice and OM sensitivity effects PRELIMINARY In some cases ice and OM-sensitivity effect can be circumvented... (E)= 0 E - Spectral index compatible with direct measurements, error competivie for QGSJET generator: (H) = 2.70 ± 0.02 0 (H) = 0.106(7) m -2 s -1 sr -1 TeV -1 talk HE2.1-13
cosmic ray composition studies SPASE-2 (electronic component) - AMANDA B10 (muonic component) AMANDA II - unique combination! talk HE robust evidence for composition change around knee... AMANDA (correlate to #muons) SPASE-2 (correlated to #electrons) iron proton log(E/GeV)
Composition change around „knee“ eV10 16 eV talk HE A=30 A=6 (1998 data) publication in preparation confirms trend seen by other experiments... blue band: detector and model uncertainties red band: uncertainty due to low energy normalization
Atmospheric n 's in AMANDA-II neural network energy reconstruction regularized unfolding measured atmospheric neutrino spectrum 1 sigma energy error spectrum up to 100 TeV compatible with Frejus data presently no sensitivity to LSND/Nunokawa prediction of dip structures between TeV In future, spectrum will be used to study excess due to cosmic ‘s PRELIMINARY talk HE 2.3-6
Excess of cosmic neutrinos? Not yet... cascades (2000 data) „ AGN“ with E -2 GeV -1 cm -2 s -1 sr -1.. for now use number of optical modules hit as energy variable... muon neutrinos (1997 B10-data) accepted by PRL cuts determined by MC – blind analyses ! talk HE 2.3-4poster HE
AMANDA II (with 3 years data): ~ 10 X higher Sensitivity Diffuse flux muon neutrinos 3·10 3 – 10 6 GeV: E 2 (E) < 8 GeV -1 cm -2 s -1 sr -1 Note that limits depend on assumed energy spectrum ·10 6 – 5.6 ·10 8 GeV: E 2 (E) < 7.2 GeV -1 cm -2 s -1 sr -1 Expected sensitivity 2000 data: ~ 3 GeV -1 cm -2 s -1 sr -1 prel. poster 1-P-257poster 1-P-256
Diffuse limit cascades effective volume 80 TeV – 7 PeV after acceptance expect: e : : 1 : 0.67 : 0.41 events 2 candidate events total observed 90% CL upper limit: E 2 all (E) < 9· GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 PRELIMINARY talk HE 2.3-4
Flux results summary (all flavors) assuming e : : =1:1:1 ratio: 2000 analysis will yield comparable result... special analysis for resonant production (6.3 PeV) multiplicative factor 3 applied for single e, channels …...can combine analyses ! talk HE 2.3-4
697 events observed above horizon 3% non-neutrino background for > 5° cuts optimized in each declination band PRELIMINARY Point source search in AMANDA II Search for excess events in sky bins for up-going tracks sky subdivided into 300 bins (~7°x7°) below horizon:mostly fake events talk HE above horizon: mostly atmospheric ‘s no clustering observed - no evidence for extraterrestrial neutrinos...
Sourcesdeclination1997 ¶ 2000 SS o -0.7 M o Crab22.0 o Mkn o Mkn o Cyg. X o Cas. A58.8 o Selected point source flux limits sensitivity flat above horizon - 4 times better than B10 ¶ ! declination averaged sensitivity: lim cm -2 s ¶ published Ap. J, 582 (2003) PRELIMINARY upper 90% CL in units of cm -2 s -1 talk HE 2.3-5
muons/cm 2 s published data preliminary 2000 data 1 km 3 detectors, 3 years 1 km 3 Expected source sensitivity GX SS-433 MACRO 8 years N AMANDA+16 (2007) Antares (2007+) AMANDA 137 days declination (degrees) S Mark. 501 Crab
GRB n search in AMANDA Search for candiates correlated with GRBs - background established from data 317 BATSE triggers (1997—2000) effective -area m 2 low background due to space- time coincidence No excess observed! assuming WB spectrum 4 x GeV/s/cm 2 /sr analysis continues with non-triggered BATSE and IPN3 data … <20° 10 min PRELIMINARY talk OG 2.4-7
Outlook... did not mention new improved search for WIMPs (HE 3.3-6)... supernova detection (1-P-258) etc. *combined analysis : 8 x more days ! improved selection and analysis methods... new transition waveform based readout installed 02/03 improved performance in particular at high energies (1-P-264) first IceCube strings 2004/05 – combined analysis with extraterrestrial neutrinos found yet...but:
increasing energy deposition no indication of clustering also at higher energies ! Is there a signal at higher energies?
Cygnus-X1 Sun Cassiopeia. A Approximate AMANDA horizon light years SMC LMC Crab Nebula
Importance of all flavor detection Extended source with e : : =1:2:0 production (e.g. decay) : E.g.: Maki-Nakagawa-Sakato mixing matrix with 12 =30°, 23 =45°, 13 =0° : e : : =1:1:1 on earth O(10) x less background for e – but you don’t profit from long -range Regeneration of - no absorption in earth even at very high energies !
Theoretical bounds and future atmospheric W&B MPR DUMAND test string FREJUS NT-200 MACRO NT-200+ AMANDA-II IceCube AMANDA-97 AMANDA-00 opaque for neutrons Mannheim, Protheroe and Rachen (2000) – Waxman, Bahcall (1999) derived from known limits on extragalactic protons + -ray flux neutrons can escape
Diffuse limit cascades Effective volume 80 TeV – 7 PeV For E 2 (E) = GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 flux would expect: 9.3 e, 6.2 , 3.8 events 2 candidate events total observed E 2 all (E) < 9· GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 90% CL limit, assuming e : : =1:1:1 : PRELIMINARY talk HE 2.3-4