Princeton Collaborative Research Resources Feb. 18, 2011 Todd Hines Linda Oppenheim
Sources for working with remote users iLinc o o What is it? Software owned by Princeton Univ that allows a remote user to see your desktop. o Possible use: Take a remote user through a complicated database or searching strategy. o Details Need to register for an account Once logged in, set up a presentation time and send participants an . At the scheduled time, remote user clicks on the link in their and after connecting they can see your desktop
Sources for working with remote users (cont.) Screencasting software o E.g. Captivate - PUL has a license Camtasia (Audrey has used) - Princeton access is unclear Jing & Screencastomatic - both are free programs o Possible use? A way to demonstrate a database to a remote user. Examples: Audrey's catalog module. Compustat & CRSP modules.CompustatCRSP o Limitations: Can take a while to create.
Telephone & video conferencing options Telephone Conference Calls o o Several different options o The easiest (in my opinion): Meet Me Conferencing Set up ahead of time with OIT by filling out webform (from link above) An 800 number is established for participants to call Skype o OIT allows (I checked). o Anyone ever used at work? Video Conferencing o o Several rooms and two portable units available
Google Docs Cloud computing Knowledge repository All documents keyword searchable. Common formats (document, spreadsheet, powerpoint, etc.) available. Add editors/viewers for collaboration.
Dropbox 2 GB of free web storage Very easy way to sync files between multiple computers, even with different operating systems Install on your work computer (no need for admin rights!), home computer, laptop, etc., for access to synced files through typical folder interface Web interface for access from other computers or mobile devices Can work on files offline; changes are automatically synced when connection is re-established Share
KeePass Encrypted password database Remember one master password--no need to remember 10,000 passwords! (Be sure to make your master password a good one) Simple keyboard shortcut autofills the user name and password into login fields (and not just in your browser)--no more typos! Can generate passwords for you based on length and complexity requirements you specify--no need to think up unique passwords! Program can be installed locally (without admin rights) or on a USB drive for handy access wherever you go
Remote Desktop Instructions (per Mary): If you need to work with applications or files on your office computer when you are elsewhere, you can ask lsupport to have someone configure your work machine to permit this. Then when you are at home or anywhere using a Windows pc, you can connect to your office machine and everything on its hard drive, plus all the servers you have mapped, by using: Start All Programs -- Accessories -- Communications -- Remote Desktop Connection You enter the name of your office machine (e.g., LIB- STAFF475), followed by your NetID and its password.
Remote Desktop (cont.) (This is the exact same procedure that chatters use at the end of the day, to connect to the server running Trillian.) When you are finished using Remote Desktop, click the X on the bar at the top of the screen, and you’re instantly back to the desktop of the actual machine you are using. Two caveats: 1.For this to work, you must be logged off your office machine. 2.If you’re using Remote Desktop and attempt to print, the job will come out in your office (if your printer is on), not on the local printer where you are.
Large document storage & retrieval and other Webspace o Online file storage (5 GB) You can control who has access. Blogs & Wikis o Blog can be hosted at Princeton o Wiki Gary Hausman recommends PBWorksPBWorks