Design Engineers: Matthew Den Herder Jason Fullen Daniel Martinez James Sparks Kellyne Winchester Gustavo Barrios Adrian Cedeno Eduardo Ceja German Ontiveros Michael Rueda Dale Steen
The Problem We Are Solving No Visibility of Asset Condition No Awareness of Improper Routing Delayed Notification of Damage The SPARTA Solution Monitoring System Inside Container Data Sent to Monitoring Center Real Time User Visibility of Asset
SE Xperia arc ◦ 1 GHz processor ◦ b/g ◦ GSM850/900/1800/190 0 ◦ ANT Transceiver ◦ Integrated GPS ◦ 1500 mAh Li-Ion Battery
ADK: Seeed Studios ATMega 2560 with Integrated Host Shield ADK with Iridium Shield RS-232
What is ANT? ◦ Wireless Networking Protocol ◦ Data Collection, Auto Transfer and Tracking of Sensor Data Why ANT? ◦ Scale into complex topologies ◦ Ultra Low Power ◦ Personal Mobile Monitoring Technology
Light Sensor Ambient Light Sensor PIN photodiode type Door Sensor Unipolar Switch points Temperature Stability Moisture Sensor Custom Made Two coppers tracks on PCB
Accelerometer 3-Axis, 8-bit Digital (I2C) ±2g/±4g/±8g selectable full-scale Temperature/Humidity 0-100% humidity C Pressure Detects barometric pressure Measurements done in kilopascals
Door Sensor Module (Bottom side) Standing Water Sensor Module
Top side Bottom side
Complete sensor node Dimensions: 4 x 3 x 2 inches
Will run approx 3:20 Intro credits and actions shots of field testing
System Cost ◦ Sensor Costs ◦ Radio Costs ◦ Cell Phone ◦ Miscellaneous Total:$2417
Overhead ◦ Xperia Arc$600 ◦ Message Transmission plan$800 ◦ Sensor Management Center$100 Sensor Modules* 1 Unit Volume ◦ Acceleration $135 $51 ◦ Humidity $155 $58 ◦ Moisture $130 $49 ◦ Pressure $145 $54 ◦ Door State $135 $51 ◦ *All include light sensor Total $700 $263
Research Phase ◦ Research and Hardware Selection ◦ Acquisition of Parts Development and Design Phase ◦ Sensors Node Software Development ◦ Sensors Node Hardware Design ◦ Master Node Software Development ◦ Master Node Hardware Design Integration and Testing Phase ◦ Validation of Components Selected ◦ System Integration and Testing September 26, 2011 October 3, 2011 October 13, 2011 November 16, 2011 November 18, 2011 November 28, 2011 December 5, 2011
Come visit us on Senior Design Day December 9 th