INTERACT pilot project : Added value through interregional, economic cooperation exchange of good practice Lars Tveit Paris 16. March 2011
BERGEN – the capital of Western Norway a commercial centre in the past, today and in the future ”Bryggen” in Bergen is on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, for being almost untouched since 1100 Hanseatic city in the 1300’s - since then involved in substantial, international trade Centre for the largest oil- and gas companies i Norway (StatoilHydro) Norwegian Centre of Expertise Subsea National and, to a large extent, an international centre of education in marine biology Focus on international cooperation in business and R&D
Technological challenges stimulate and promote international cooperation Industrial focus : ENERGY (oil, gas, wind, hydro-EL,…) MARITIME INDUSTRY MARINE INDUSTRY SUB SEA OPERATIONS / CLUSTERS INNOVATION - ENTREPRENEURSHIP
Regional Developement Program (RUP), Hordaland ” INTERNATIONAL TRADING – ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT” Hordalands equivalent to ”Article 37.6b” (?) Support regional SME’s in their efforts to succeed in international business (competence raising activities,..) Stimulate relevant, regional industry to participate in international projects and programs, like EU – programs (INTERREG), programs overseas, etc. Support international networking, and exchange for experience and good pratice Establish links and cooperation between Norwegian research programs and industry in an international perspective (international R & D driven development like RFF, VRI, etc.) Sustainable economic development Introduce the younger generation (today’s youth) to international economic development and cooperation
Hordaland county
Baltic Sea Region Programme Northern Periphery Programme INTERREG VIB North Sea Region Programme INTERREG IVC Transregional cooperation Other EU programs were Norway, through the EEA, is invited to take part (INTERREG IVA, 7 th Framework Programme, …).. alternative solutions ?? or EU – programs available to Norway
Eligibility – Common interests – Potential partners – Financial platforms
”Pick your partners with care” Hordaland has been cooperating, and building networks with Freistat Thüringen since COMETT II program 1992 – 95 2.Exchange of university students and academic personnel 3.Leonardo da Vinci programme 1995 – …. (visits, excursions, meetings,…) 4.SAFEGAS 1997 – School class / upper secondary School – Erfurt, …. 6.“ENABLE” (Enabeling European Entrepreneurship) 2003 – 2007 / INTERREG IIIC (mini-programme / Regional Management Operation) 7.Applications / proposals for INTERREG IVC projects (“Humans”, “Talents”, …) 8.6th Framework Programme : OMC – NET / “Europeer SME” (Peer-reviewing European Good Practices in Innovation Promotion for SME) 2006 – Visits from Hordaland : -Regional politicians -Regional Executive Forum (RNF) -Educational committee 10.Youth Programme, Voss – Erfurt, Cooperation agreement / “Communiqué”, …. ERDF-, ESF- funding / Norwegian public money / RUP Access to cooperating EU-networks
Alternative routes to successful cooperation models INPUT : Patients & creativity INTERREG 4C Application NOT APPROVED NOT APPROVED New approach SUCCESS INTERREG 3C INTERREG 4C Application SUCCESS NOT APPROVED PLATTFORM Article 37.6b
Potential, transnational activities and initiatives between Thüringen and Hordaland Cooperation platform: “Communiqué” between Free State of Thuringia and Hordaland Strategic platform & funding The overall focus for the two regions is to intensify a common interest in transnational cooperation, and equally to continue a successful cooperation between Freistat Thüringen and Hordaland for nearly 20 years. For Thüringen the strategic and financial platform lies within the framework of the ERDF and ESF. For Hordaland the Regional Development Programme (RUP) is the strategic platform, and project funding is provided on basison RUP Funds. Objectives Economic development and growth Exchange of information, experience, good practice and results, related to selected topics, expressed in strategic documents in both regions. Coordination of actions for the purpose of promoting innovation, and initiate new courses of action Instruments ERDF / RUP. …: Innovation – Research – Economic Development ESF / RUP……..: Education – Employment – Mobility
1. REGIONAL PARTNERSHIP 13 representatives) “POLICY MAKER” 2. COUNTY COUNCIL PARLIAMENT (57 politicians from 8 policital parties) ”DECISION MAKERS” 3. COUNTY COUNCIL ADMINISTRATION ”ADMINISTRATORS” Project B nasjonal internasjonal Prosject C Project A ”Regional development program” Partner A Partner BPartner D Partner E Partner C Out- scoursing
ERDF - European Regional Development Fund Politically selected topics EU / Thüringen RUP - Regional Development Fund Politically selected topics Norway / Hordaland LEG & HCC - Dialog - Meetings - Visits - Marketing - Partner search - EU contact - Conferences Call for project proposals ERDF Call for project proposals RUP Partner search German partners Search for international Partners (incl. Norwegian) Project proposal Thuringen / ERDF 1. stepProject proposals Hordaland / RUP 1. step Partner search Norwegian partners Search for international Partners (incl. Norwegian) Evaluation / German partners LEG Project proposal / 1. step Evaluation / Norwegian partners HCC Project proposal / 1. step Extended project proposal Thuringen / ERDF 2 nd step Not approved Approved Not approved Evaluation / German partners Extended project proposal / 2. step Project Approved Hordaland & Thüringen Approved Dialog / meetings Dialog / meetings / visits Not approved Lars Tveit
Thüringen ERDF – projects with Norwegian partners 2 nd Call / 2009 YEAR OF CALL PROJECT TITLE (acronym) TOPICS / FOUCAL AEREAS PARTNERSBUDGETS 2009 ERDF European Micro Nano Broker Platform (EU MN Broker) Establish an Internet-based European Information- and Competanc Platform of Micro- & Nanotechnologies, based on the preliminary studies and activities performed by ”mnst brokers” 1. IMN MacroNano, Technishe Universität Ilmenau, Thüringen - DE 2. CiS Forchungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik und Photoviltaik Gmbt – Thüringen - DE 3. Betreibergesellshaft für Applikastions- und Technologiezentren Thüringen mbh BATT – DE 4. MNT Micro-Nanotechnologie Thüringen e.V. Thüringen – DE 5. Area m styria Gmbh, Steiermark - AUS 6. Universitetet i Bergen, Institutt for Fysikk & Teknologi, Bergen – NO 7. Universitè de Technologie de Compiègne, Picadie – FR 8. Conseil règional de Franche-Comitè, Franch – Comtè – FR APPROVED (SALMON) Monitoring of water quality, including biological parameters to get knowledge of the marine environment and to ensure the sustainable environmental quality of the oceans. 1. Technishe Universität Ilmenau, Institut fûr Automatisirungs- & Systemtechnik, Thüringen – DE 2. -4H- JENA enegineering GmbH, Thüringen – DE 3. Fraunhofer Anwendungszentrum Systemtechnik, Thüringen – DE 4. Norwegian Institute for Wather Research (NIVA) Bergen, Hordaland - NO NOT APPROVED (Songs2See) Develop basic technologies and interactive software applications to motivate and assist children and adolescents with music education, Interactive score sheets, instrument-specific animations and rhytmic visualizations. 1. Fraunhofer Institut für Digitale Medientechnologie, Ilmenau - DE 2. ”Sweets for Brains”, Thüringen – DE 3. Kids Interactive Gmbt Thüringen – DE 4. Grieg Musik Education AS, Hordaland – NO 5. TU Tampere, Audio Recharch Group, Länsi – Suomi – FIN 6. Høgskulen Stord / Haugesund, Hordaland - NO APPROVED
YEAR OF CALL PROJECT TITLE (acronym) TOPICS / FOUCAL AEREASPARTNERSBUDGETS 2010 ERDF Solar.Park.Statio n Development of carports for e- mobility as lightweight- structures with integrated flexible thin-film solar elements 1. Bauhaus Universität, Weimar, Thringen, DE 2. ALTEC Solartechnik, Crispendorf, Thüringen, DE 3. Jet Energie, Picardie, FR 4. Bergen Arkitektskole, Hordaland, NO NOT APPROVED SALMON Sea Water Quality Monitoring and Management 1. Technische Universitet Illmenau, Thüringen, DE 2. 4H-Jena enegineering GmbH, Thüringen, DE 3. Fraunhofer – Anwendungssentrum Systemtechnik, Thüringen, DE 4. Institute of Maritime Research, Hordaland, NO 5. Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, LT 6. University of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg, DK APPROVED Data traffic Sustainable and green solutions for online media in enhanced networks 1. Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technologies, Thüringen, DE 2. Franz List Hochschule für Musik Weimar, Thüringen, DE 3. Bach Technology AS, Hordaland, NO 4. Universitetet i Bergen, Inst. for Informatikk, Hordaland,NO 5. Microgenesis SA, Madrid, SP APPROVED GreenSens Development and testing of miniature sensors for measuring and regulating flowing substances (i.e. gas) on a wide range of applications. 1. Nano Analytik GmbH, Illmenau, Thüringen, DE 2. S3 Solutions Gmbh, Illmenau, Thüringen, DE 3. Techniche Universität, Illmenau, Thüringen, DE 4. University of Bergen, Dep. of Physics & Technology, Hordaland, NO 5. University of Oulu, Dep. Of Electrical & Information Engeneering, FI 6. VTT Technical Research Centre Finland, Länsi – Suomi, FI NOT APPROVED Thüringen ERDF – projects with Norwegian partners 3 rd Call / 2010
Thank you for your attention !!