Suyapa Triminio Meyer, Daniel E. Meyer, Wilfrido Contreras and Amerit Bart Network of universities on the culture of native finfish species
Funding for this research was provided by the Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture Collaborative Research Support Program (PD/A CRSP) The PD/A CRSP is funded in part by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Grant No. LAG-G and by participating institutions.
CRSP supported research on native species in several HCs native fresh water fish little studied & mostly threatened habitat destruction pollution over fishing (dynamite and poisons) many universities working in aquaculture and conservation widespread interest in forming a network regional interest in biodiversity and conservation (IRBIO) Looking for alternatives to aquaculture production based in native species Background
Network of universities on the culture of native finfish species Objectives Research Exchange of experiences, students and experts Diffusion of information Interdisciplinary pool of experts Networking for funding opportunities
Network University of Southern Mississippi (USA) UJAT (Mexico) Catholic University of Temuco (Chile) Catholic University of Dry Tropics (Nicaragua) San Carlos University (Guatemala) El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (EcoSur) Zamorano University (Honduras)
Support from Central American Regional Institute for Biodiversity (IRBIO) A. monticola (Cuyamel) Parachromis dowi (Lagoon Guapote) Centropomus undecimalis (Common snook, Robalo
Network of universities on the culture of native finfish species Special session on the state of native fresh water fish in Meso-America Tenth Meeting of the Mesoamerican Biology and Conservation Society Antigua, Guatemala 30 October 2006
Suggested research topics and other activities Identification of the status of the population with commercial interest (fisheries and aquaculture) Research on reproduction, restocking and management of populations Definition of criteria for restocking rivers and lakes Identify genetic implications of restocking Effect of exotic species over native populations Regulations for fisheries in countries shared water Impacts of human population over bodies of water and their eco- systems. Bank for germplasm for fish Access to information on publications, collections, libraries on fresh water species Mapping of fresh water bodies and species Restoration of habitats: plants and animals
Actions to follow Strength and increase the number of member of the network Write proposals for funding of activities (meetings, research, actions) Contact information: Suyapa Triminio Meyer Daniel E. Meyer
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