Venture Capital and Private Equity in Italy A.I.F.I. Italian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association
A.I.F.I. Members A.I.F.I
Investment activity by number, companies and amount A.I.F.I. +88 %
Average invested amount (Euro mln) A.I.F.I.
Stage distribution of investments A.I.F.I.
Stage distribution by % of amount invested A.I.F.I.
Venture Capital vs Private Equity A.I.F.I.
% of amount invested by number of employees A.I.F.I.
: Sectoral distribution of investments by number A.I.F.I. High TechLow Tech
% of amount and number of investments in the high tech sectors* A.I.F.I. *High tech sectors: computer related, communications, other electronics related, medical/health related; biotechnology.
Sectoral distribution of amount invested in high tech A.I.F.I.
Geographical distribution by % of number and amount invested A.I.F.I.
Italy: geographical distribution by % of amount and number of investments A.I.F.I.
Italy: regional distribution by number of investments A.I.F.I.
Syndication by % of number of investments A.I.F.I.
Number of investments by type of investors A.I.F.I.
Amount invested by type of investors (Euro mln) A.I.F.I.
Italian Private Equity Industry Concentration A.I.F.I.
Stage distribution of investments by type of investors A.I.F.I.
Divestment activity by number, and amount (at cost) A.I.F.I. +72,4%
Distribution of divestments by number and amount A.I.F.I.
Distribution of divestments by % of number and amount A.I.F.I.
The EYVB Index (Ernst&Young Venture Backed Index) A.I.F.I. 01-ott-9922-mar-00
Number of divestments by type of investors A.I.F.I.
Stage distribution of divestments by type of investors A.I.F.I.
Portfolio by number and amount (at cost) A.I.F.I.
New funds raised (Euro mln) A.I.F.I. +110%
Sources of new funds by % A.I.F.I.
Sources of new funds raised on the market by % A.I.F.I.
Fund raising targets A.I.F.I. 21% 42% 36% 1%
Geographical breakdown of total funds raised A.I.F.I.
Geographical breakdown of funds raised from the market A.I.F.I.
The industry performance: the sample N° of operators in the sample N° of operators actively investing in period Total number of considered investments Total cash out (Euro mln) Average Investment size (Euro mln) 2,8 2,6 2,5 Total cash in (Euro mln) A.I.F.I. KPMG Corporate Finance
The Industry Performance: the Pooled IRR A.I.F.I : IRR=40,3% : IRR=33,4% : IRR=31,2% KPMG Corporate Finance
The Industry Performance: Pooled IRR by type of investments IRR 32,0% IRR 40,8% IRR 43,7% IRR 47,0% A.I.F.I. ReplacementEarly Stage ExpansionMBO/MBI KPMG Corporate Finance
The Industry Performance: Pooled IRR distribution Number of Investments % Write off/negative IRR 19 9% 0% - 10% 25 12% 10% - 30% 52 26% 30% - 100% 74 37% > 100% 32 16% Total % A.I.F.I. KPMG Corporate Finance