HIFI Mixer CDR Band 3 and 4 Mixer Units SIS Device Fabrication DIMES, TU Delft T. Zijlstra, M. Kroug, M. Zuidam, N. Iosad, B. de Lange, J.R. Gao, T.M. Klapwijk SRON B. Jackson, G. de Lange
Contents historical overview device production and testing Band 3 device geometry, production, and testing Band 4 device geometry and production problems and solutions DC test results programmatics ongoing technology developments AlNx barriers, CMP, e-beam lithography
Historical Overview 1 pre-1997 (RUG) 1997-1999 1999-2000 (DIMES) Nb SIS Nb SIS + Al/SiO2/Al tuning circuits (Kovtonyuk, Jegers) 1997-1999 NbTiN deposition process (Iosad) Nb SIS for JCMT (Jackson) Nb SIS + NbTiN/SiO2/NbTiN Nb SIS + NbTiN/SiO2/Al circuits 1999-2000 (DIMES) transfer of SIS process to Delft (Zuiddam, Iosad)
Historical Overview 2 2000-2001 2001-2002 re-establishment of Nb SIS process (Zijlstra, Zuiddam) delivery of devices to JCMT and ALMA AlNx tunnel barrier development (Iosad) 2001-2002 re-establishment of Nb SIS + NbTiN/SiO2/Al (Zijlstra, Zuiddam) delivery of SIS 19 batches (19-03, 19-06, 19-08, 19-10) 19-03, 19-06: contact resistance, junction heating 19-08: band 3 design verification, DM mixer first batches with NbTiN ground planes from JPL (Zijlstra, Kroug) turnover of personnel addition of Kroug, Zijlstra on leave for 6 months (returned 8/02)
Band 3 FM Design device geometry SIS 20 mask-set NbTiN ground plane: Tc,NbTiN ~ 14.4 K, ρn,NbTiN ~ 110 µΩ·cm Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb SIS: Jc = 8-15 kA/cm2, A ~ 1 µm2 sputtered SiO2 dielectric Al wiring layer: ρ4K ~ 0.4 µΩ·cm SIS 20 mask-set 6 sectors of 81 devices for Band 3 (+ 2 sectors for KOSMA) 2 designs x 3 sectors each suspended and unsuspended RF designs 4 junction areas x 4 transformer sizes (production/design tolerances) 5 devices per scaling per sector 1 complete wafer could be enough for FM
Band 3 Production Flow 1 substrate cleaning ground plane deposition and patterning image-reversal resist pattern definition (AZ 5214E) room-temperature DC sputter-deposition of 320-nm NbTiN liftoff and substrate cleaning trilayer deposition DC sputter-deposition of 100-nm Nb + 6-nm Al oxidation of Al in load-lock DC sputter-deposition of 100-nm Nb
Band 3 Production Flow 2 junction pattern definition junction etch UV400 positive resist definition (AZ 5214E) junction etch 1st RIE: RIE of Nb in SF6 + O2 2nd RIE: resist recessing by O2 RIE (reduce size by 100-200 nm) Nordiko: RF sputter etch of Al in Ar
Band 3 Production Flow 3 junction passivation junction lift-off anodic oxidation of junction side-walls RF sputter deposition of 250-nm SiO2 junction lift-off physical brushing chemical cleaning RF sputter etch
Band 3 Production Flow 4 wiring deposition and patterning (etch) DC sputter deposition of 400-nm Al positive resist pattern definition (HPR) RIE of Al in BCl3 + N2 + Cl2 substrate cleaning wiring deposition and patterning (lift-off) image-reversal resist pattern definition DC sputter-deposition of 400-nm Al lift-off and substrate cleaning
Band 3 Production Flow 5 passivation layer and contact pad deposition and patterning option 1 DC sputter-deposition of 75-nm Nb + 50-nm Au define positive image of contact pads in resist wet etch of Au RIE of Nb in SF6+O2 RF sputter-deposition of 150-nm of SiO2 lift-off SiO2 and clean substrate option 2 deposit SiO2 layer define negative image of contact pads in resist (image-reversal) RIE of SiO2 in CHF3 + O2 deposit Nb/Au bilayer lift-off Nb/Au and clean substrate
Band 3 Testing Flow substrate diced into 8 sectors mounting of samples onto dip-stick carriers spring-contact to 16 test pads dip-stick testing of sectors at DIMES 7 test structures per sector (4-point measurements) 24 um2, 9 um2, four 1- or 2x1-µm2, 1 long NbTiN or Al wire I-V curves at 4.2 K R-T curves from 1 or 2 sectors (Tc + ρn of NbTiN, Tc of Nb) promising sectors packaged and shipped to SRON dicing/polishing of individual devices occurs at SRON all wafer- or device-level environmental testing occurs at SRON
Band 4 FM Design device geometry SIS 21 mask-set NbTiN ground plane (JPL): Tc,NbTiN ~ 16 K, ρn,NbTiN ~ 60 µΩ·cm Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb SIS: Jc ~ 8-15 kA/cm2, A ~ 1 µm2 sputtered SiO2 dielectric Al wiring layer: ρ4K ~ 0.4 µΩ·cm SIS 21 mask-set 6 sectors of 81 Band 4 devices (+ 2 sectors for Band 3) 3 basic designs x 2 sectors each uncertainties in NbTiN parameters 4 junction areas x 6 transformer sizes (production/design tolerances) 3-4 devices per scaling per sector 2 wafers likely needed for FM
Band 4 Production and Testing Flow substrate cleaning and shipment to JPL ~ 4 wafers per shipment (2 films in stock, > 4 expected in October) ground plane deposition at JPL elevated-temp. deposition of AlN buffer + 320-nm NbTiN (J. Stern) wafers returned to DIMES via SRON ground plane patterning substrate cleaning positive resist pattern definition RIE of NbTiN in SF6 + O2 remainder of process identical to Band 3
Problems and Solutions technical contact resistance and junction heating wiring-to-junction contact: extra sputter-etch after SiO2 lift-off end-point control of Ar sputter-etch of Al extra process calibration and/or test wafers needed potential damage to edge of barrier during Ar sputter etch resist recessing to make top electrode smaller than bottom failure of first runs w. JPL ground planes cause unknown, step-coverage over etched ground plane is okay programmatic re-establishment of process at DIMES (completed in fall of 2001) temporary loss of personnel in early-mid 2002 Zijlstra (6 month leave-of-absence), Kroug (learning period) returned to “full-strength” in August, focus 100 % on HIFI until Nov./Dec.
I-V Curves, 1 µm2 junctions Status, DC Test Results I-V Curves, 1 µm2 junctions typical SIS 19/20 batch (1 μm2) RnA 18-30 Ω·μm2 Rj/Rn 10-35 Vgap 2.6-2.75 mV dVg 0.05-0.15 mV Rseries 0-10 Ω SIS 20-02 results (1 μm2) RnA 30 Ω·μm2 Rj/Rn 15-35 Vgap 2.65-2.75 mV Rseries 2.5-3 Ω Yield 76 % 19-08 20-02
Projected Schedule Sept. – Dec., 2002 Dec. 2002 – Mar. 2003 focus on HIFI (Kroug + Zijlstra full-time until Dec.) band 3 FM masks ready in Aug., production started in Sept., first batch delivered Oct. 3 upcoming deliveries: at least 2 follow-up batches in Oct.-Dec. band 4 DM (and possibly FM) design ready in Sept., masks ready in Oct., production started deliveries: at least 2 batches in Oct.-Dec. Dec. 2002 – Mar. 2003 redesign of band 4 mask at SRON (if needed) band 4 FM production (if needed) Jan. – Oct. 2003 band 3 and 4 FS production (+ process upgrade, if needed)
Resources and Commitments available resources device production and technology development (DIMES) 1.5 production engineers (permanent staff) + 1 post-doc (3-year contract) post-fabrication dicing and testing (TU Delft) 0.5 persons documentation and quality assurance support 0.25 persons + support from SRON other commitments production for JCMT (MRAO, 350 GHz array receiver) project nearing completion development and production for ALMA (band 9 = 600-720 GHz) reduced effort until Dec. ‘02
Parallel Development, AlNx motivation enable good-quality, high-Jc junctions (Bumble et. al) improved RF band-width improved RF coupling status trilayer recipe developed (Iosad) integration w. Nb SIS started (Kroug) 2 batches completed 1 combined with EBL to be done characterize process variability run-to-run, device-to-device process stabilization integration w. NbTiN process Junction Quality vs. RnA (SNAP process)
Parallel Development, EBL motivation improved device yield for sub-µm junctions potential to shorten design cycle status feasibility of double-layer resist (SNR/AZ) has been demonstrated alignment accuracy tested integration with Nb SIS process started (Kroug) 2 batches completed, 1 combined with AlNx barrier to be done determine impact on device yield for Nb SIS process device-to-device and run-to-run statistics integrate with NbTiN process and determine impact on device yield
Parallel Development, CMP motivation improved device yield for sub-µm junctions improved electrical/thermal contact to junctions (experience from KOSMA) status machine installed characterization started (blanket films and structured wafers) to be done process characterization/optimization integration with SIS process (esp. with EBL) development on hold (no manpower allocated)