CS533 Concepts of Operating Systems Class 5 Event-Based Systems
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 2 Questions Why does thread programming de-emphasize I/O? What do interactive applications, network services, and operating system kernels have in common? How does reactive programming relate to interrupt handling? Where is the boundary between interrupt handling and scheduled thread execution? o What are the implications of mixing these models?
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 3 Questions What is the problem with making resource allocation decisions statically? o What is the Slashdot effect? Why is massive concurrency not a good match for multi-threading? o Is web service embarrassingly parallel? What transparency is imposed by the thread-per request model? o Why does it hurt? o Why does the event handling model help?
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 4 Questions How can resources be scheduled in reactive programming? What is the problem with event handlers blocking or performing long-lived computation? What does it mean for a service to be “well conditioned”?
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 5 Questions What is a thread pool? Why do the following techniques help during heavy load? o Thread pool resizing o Event batching o Adaptive load shedding Why does pipeline parallelism scale well? o Thread per stage vs thread per request
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 6 Questions Do Ousterhout and Welsh contradict each other? o What is hard about programming threads? o What is easy about programming threads? o What is hard about programming events? o What is easy about programming events?
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 7 Questions What is the relationship between the event-loop model and reactive programming?
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 8 Reminder Class 6 presenters o Discuss your presentation plans with me ahead of time o Mail me the final version of your slides BEFORE the class