P08005: ARC Communication Board Cortney RossMechanical Engineer (Project Lead) Achilles TziazasComputer Engineer Kirk MarquardMechanical Engineer Rachel LepkowskiIndustrial Designer Amy KosterIndustrial Designer Project Track: Assistive Devices/Bioengineering
Project Description Our customer has speech disabilities and needs a special way to communicate with people who don’t know her well Currently uses a picture book Designed to current customer’s needs but can be adoptable to other customer’s with special needs High Level Customer Needs / Engineering Specs Adequate product size9”x13”x3” Adequate product weight7 lbs. Durable and robustdrop from 40” Weather resistant enclosure Long battery life16 hrs. Attached to wheelchairmechanical arm
Design Concept Single Board Computer Mechanical Arm Battery LCD Touch Screen / Custom Enclosure
System Architecture
Technical Risk Assessment Risk: Separated computer and power components from LCD touch screen Separated components require Power cable (to power the LCD) Audio Cable (for sound) Video Cable (for LCD touch screen) USB Cable (for LCD touch screen) All these cables need to go through the arm & be detachable Mitigation: Using an all-in-one cable which will transfer video, audio, USB and power from underneath the wheelchair to the LCD touch screen.
Current State of Design Design Meets Customer Needs Design Meets all engineering specifications except: Battery components (life, weight and power output) All-in one cable connectivity issues Deflection of mechanical arm Computer box: Delays with ordering from Taiwan Slow response from the company Backup computer costs more (around $400) Mitigations Have a deadline for going with the backup computer Use a cable conduit instead of all-in-one cable Use rubber stops on tray for the deflection of the arm
MSD II Project Schedule Milestones
Questions? Issues? Concerns?