Outline In-Class Experiment on First-Price Sealed-Bid Auctions Professor John Morgan: Internet Auctions The Winner’s Curse Hypothesis: Kagel and Levin (1986) Revenue equivalence and strategic equivalence hypotheses: Auction Formats
Dutch vs. English with Private Values Drawn from [0,1]
Experimental Design
Hypothesis H0
Plots of Price Differences
Hypotheses H1 and H2
First vs. Second Price Sealed-Bid
Experimental Design
Hypothesis H ’ 0
Test of Hypothesis H ’ 0
Plot of Price Difference
Hypothesis H ’ 1 and H’2
Over-bidding in First-Price Auction
Summary Dutch versus English auctions –Dutch oral auction yields prices optimal price –H1 and H2 supported for both auctions First-price versus Second-price sealed-bid auction –Second-price sealed-bid auction not significantly optimal price –Similarly, H1’ and H2’ supported for Second-price sealed-bid auction but not for First-price auction English and Second-price auctions are isomorphic in the latter rounds Behavior in all except first-price sealed bid consistent with RNNE