CARBON and HYDROLOGY (WP2) §The main purpose of the hydrological study is to quantify fluxes/stores of carbon (and nutrients) in water phase as it travels through the ecosystem (WP 2) §The activities will be carried out in the CARBONSINK project, in collaboration with the ECOCARBON project §The selected Cuieiras catchment is a 5 km 2 area near Manaus.
COMPONENTS/MEASUREMENTS §Rainfall measurements and water chemistry dissolved and particulate matter §Streamflow, amount of water leaving the catchment will be measured at catchment outlet and samples will be collected for chemical analysis of C (particulate) and nutrients (N,P,K,Ca,Mg and Al) §A UV-VIS probe will be used to continuously monitor TOC & nitrate levels in streamwater
Status §Site selected, research strategy determined §Collaborators in Brazil identified §Equipment reviewed and ordered §Model installed §Digital elevation model and element network generated, model input parameter files made
Hydrological modelling §The TOPOG model will be used to simulate long-term discharge and carbon losses, etc. §Model calibration using measured discharge §Input: several years of rainfall and other tower weather data, soil maps, vegetation §Digital elevation model has been prepared, as well as preliminary soil/vegetation input files and a one-year climate data file. §Waiting for measurements to calibrate...
DEM and Element network of Cuieiras catchment
Slope and Aspect of the Cuieiras catchment