InterRisk Interoperable GMES Services for Environmental Risk Management in Marine and Coastal Areas of Europe... with a view to Norwegian waters Coordinator: Prof. Stein Sandven
Outline Overview of InterRisk project Norwegian Service portal Discussion, questions, feedback
Project objectives The overall objective is to develop a pilot system for interoperable GMES monitoring and forecasting services for environmental risk and crisis management in marine and coastal areas. An open system architecture will be designed based on established GIS and web services protocols, and implemented in a network of services (InterRisk services) for several European regional seas. The services will be based on satellite data, in situ data and numerical models needed to monitor and forecast marine environmental crisis events. The network of interoperable services will be developed as a contribution to the implementation of GMES.
InterRisk Partners and Contact Points 1.Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC), NO: 2.University College Cork, Coastal and Marine Resources Centre (CMRC), IE: 3.SPACEBEL S.A./N.V. (SPB), BE: 4.Centre de Documentation, de Recherche et d'Expérimentations sur les Pollutions Accidentelles des Eaux (CEDRE), FR: 5.Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), UK: 6.GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH (GKSS), DE: 7.Norwegian Meteorological Institute (, NO: 8.Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), NO: 9.Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (Ifremer), FR: 10.Marine Institute (MI), IE: 11.Universita' del Piemonte Orientale (UNIPO), IT: 12.Institut fuer Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universitaet, Bochum (INI), DE: 13.OPTIMARE Sensorsysteme AG (Optimare), DE: 14.Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAN), PL: 15.Innova Consorzio per L’Informatica e la Telematica (INNOVA), IT:
Conceptual representation of GMES services Information Management (SSE Infrastructure) Information Management (SSE Infrastructure) Data Integ ration Data Integ ration Data Integ ration Data Integ ration Space In situ Data Integ ration Data Integ ration Static Geospatial GMES Service Users User Management User Management Security Service Support Service Support Semantic Interoperability Multilingualism Semantic Interoperability Multilingualism INSPIRE Implementing Rules e.g. WMS from OGC Service Oriented Architecture OASIS, W3C, … Protocols defined in ESA Heterogeneous Missions Accessibility
InterRisk System Environment Open system architecture where components can be ”plugged” in Data servers (OGC WMS, WFS and WCS; OPeNDAP) GIS clients (OGC WxS clients, JavaScript, Java) Metadata catalogues (OGC CSW) and more... Supported by operational ESA infrastructure ESA’s SSE Portal: Based on established and new web and GIS standards All data accessible through your web browser
Capabilities of web GIS technologies Web Portal Enables access to the defined demonstration areas: 1. North Sea / Skagerrak 2. Coast of Germany 3. Coast of France 4. Coast of Italy 5. Western English Channel 6. South-Western Ireland through pre-defined user profiles, which can be bookmarked
InterRisk Services Norwegian Harmful Algal Bloom (NORHAB) Service NERSC WMS/WCS/OD Servers ESA PAFs & Rolling Archive NERSC MODIS Processor NERSC MERIS Processor NORHAB Portal (DISPRO-based) MODIS FTP Archive NIVA Ferrybox Processor NIVA WMS/WFS Server Ecosys & Metocean Forecast Processor WMS/WCS/OD Servers NERSC Metadata Catalog Metadata Catalog NIVA Metadata Catalog Web GIS Client End-User Web Catalog Front-End InterRisk SSE Portal WP410 WP430 WP510
NORHAB Service Users Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Bergen – fisheries research Norwegian State Pollution Control Authority (SFT) – impacts of pollution Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries, Bergen Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries - Region south, Kråkerøy The Norwegian Food Safety Authority …more Status: All have been contacted informally. Formal use case requirements outstanding
Processing chain for NORHAB service component Subset forecast database [felt] Node WMS (UMN MapServer) Data Integrator Metadata Catalog Operational forecast database Metadata Generator Operational forecast system Weather Waves Ocean ecosys Models Node WCS / OD THREDDS Subset forecast database [netCDF] Subset obs database Obs database Operational observation system NRT obs felt2nc conversion
NORHAB basic services – Ocean ecosystem forecast data repository ready. MetOcean forecast data repository ready. Metadata production and repository development on hold. WMS server (UMN MapServer) running at WCS and OPeNDAP server (THREDDS) under testing.
ESA MERIS Rolling Archive MERIS Chl-a, (YS and TSM) NERSC Node WMS / WCS (UMN MapServer) Data Integrator Processing chain for the NERSC NORHAB service component Metadata Catalog (geonetwork) MODIS SST daily, 7-day Metadata Generator Automatic downloading AOI extraction Map projection Parameter calculation Generate daily mosaics, 7-day & 1-month means NASA MODIS SST ftp site Automatic downloading Map projection Generate mosaics&means MERIS Level 2 data
NORHAB basic services - NERSC ESA MERIS Chl-a data repository ready NASA MODIS SST data repository ready Metadata production and repository under testing WMS server (UMN MapServer) running at … WCS server (UMN MapServer) for satellite image data under implementation. WCS and OPeNDAP server (THREDDS) for Ocean forecast data under development.
Ferrybox Ferrybox RT Database NIVA Node WMS / WFS (ArcGIS / UMN MapServer) Data Integrator & MAP Server Processing chain for the NIVA NORHAB service component Metadata Catalog Laboratory Database Metadata Generator Ferrybox Chemical analysis HAB Warnings Water samples Auto QA HAB Evaluation Algae analysis Data Admin & QA module
NORHAB basic services – NIVA FerryBox data repository ready MetOcean forecast data repository ready Metadata production and repository development … WMS server (ArcGIS) running at WFS server (UMN MapServer) under development.
MERIS Chl (Algal-1) and Ferrybox (Chl-fluor)
MERIS Chl (Algal-2) and Ferrybox (Chl-fluor)
MERIS TSM and Ferrybox (turbidity)
NERSC WMS/WCS/OD Server Oil & Metocean Forecast Processor ESA PAFs & Rolling Archive WMS/WCS/OD Server NERSC ASAR Processor Web GIS Client End-User NOROIL Portal (DISPRO-based) InterRisk Services InterRisk SSE Portal NERSC Metadata Catalog Metadata Catalog User request Other data Web Catalog Front-End Norwegian Oilspill monitoring and forecasting (NOROIL) Service WP410 WP430 WP510
NOROIL Service Users Norwegian Coastal Administration (KV) – oil spill response agency Norwegian Clean Seas Association of Offshore Operators (NOFO) – industry organization for oil spill preparedness Norwegian State Pollution Control Authority (SFT) – impacts of pollution Status: All have been contacted informally. Formal use case requirements outstanding.
Processing chain for NOROIL service component Subset forecast database [felt] kilden WMS Data Integrator Metadata Catalog Operational forecast database Metadata Generator Operational forecast system Weather Waves Ocean Models Subset oil spill forecast database [ascii] Oil spill forecast system Oil simulation database OD3D model kilden User interface
NOROIL basic services – Oil spill forecast data repository ready. MetOcean forecast data repository ready. –Similar to NORHAB Metadata production and repository development on hold. WMS server (UMN MapServer) running at (password required). –InterRisk user established
ESA ASAR Rolling Archive ASAR backscatter and wind Data Integrator Processing chain for the NERSC NOROIL service component Metadata Generator Automatic downloading Resampling Calibration Normalisation AOI extraction Map projection Calculate wind ASAR.N1 data US NCEP Rolling Archive Automatic downloading NCEP GFS data NERSC NODE WMS / WCS (UMN MapServer) Metadata Catalog (geonetwork)
NOROIL basic services - NERSC ESA ASAR data repository ready. NCEP GFS data repository ready. Wind data production and repository ready. Metadata production and repository under testing. WMS server (UMN MapServer) running at … WCS server (UMN MapServer) for satellite image data under implementation.
NORHAB / NOROIL portal Test installation at NERSC Based on DISPRO client
Discussion What are the key tasks you want to perform ? What data are needed? What processing must be done? What is the desired output?