Area Based Development in the North Kosovo Multi-sectoral Initiative for Community Stabilization and Improved Human Security in Mitrovica and Zvečan 1
Area of North Kosovo Complex development challenges in Mitrovica North/South and Zvecan in a complex post-conflict environment The key challenges are: - The division of the town and constant ethnic tension with possibilities to escalate - High poverty rate (especially among vulnerable groups) - Very high levels of unemployment (rate of 50%, especially striking population with low education and work based skills) - Inadequate and weak public services and complicated structure of administration
Area of North Kosovo, cont - Largest displaced populations in Kosovo - Environmental degradation (Trepca Mining), - Rural under-development and poverty, - Small and inexperienced private sector, - Young and relatively unskilled population, - Severely inadequate infrastructure
Overall objective Contribute to improved peace and stability in Mitrovica North and South and Zvečan Tangible improvements in economic conditions Baseline: - The poverty rate in Zvečan– 22.93%, in Mitrovica– 49.25%; Unemployment rate (15-24) in Zvečan-22.81%, in Mitrovica %) (UNDP NHDR 2004) Increased percentage of people feeling safe and secure by 2011 Baseline: 53% of K-Albanians, 91% of K-Serbs and 40% of other ethnicities reported that they feel somewhat unsafe or very unsafe on the street. (UNDP Kosovo EWS Report, July 2007)
Specific purpose Improved human security and stability in Mitrovica North/South and Zvečan through multi-sectoral approach ensuring protection and empowerment of local stakeholders building appropriate institutions and enabling planning and delivering of services to fully meet the needs of different communities. Strengthened capacities of local authorities in developing and implementing policies and delivering services addressing health needs.
Outputs The programme aims to produce three tangible outputs a) Mechanisms established for local authorities in the three target areas to involve all communities in the planning, monitoring and assessment of service delivery b) Increased enterprise activity within the three municipalities and with stronger trade links between communities c) Improved inter-community relations through increased local ownership and strengthened capacities of CSOs, as well as implementation of neighbourhood and inter- community development projects.
The tools of the ABD programme in North Kosovo Capacity development for good local governance Improvement of social service delivery capacity; Entrepreneurship and employment development; Empowerment of civil society and Enhanced neighborhood development
Major results Local Action Groups (LAGs) were established in all three municipalities and are functioning as the local representatives that bring voices/opinions of the community. As one of the cores of the ABD Programme they were very often on the ABD Programme agenda as they represent the main mechanism for ABD/UNDP to assess the needs of the community Local Economic Development Strategies for all three municipalities prepared Inter-regional exchange of experience through study tours and exchange of visits
Major results, II The call for proposals was announced for the civil society organizations from Mitrovica north, south and Zvecan that engage multiple partners and promote active involvement of the communities in development initiatives and 12 projects were awarded
Major results, III Business Advisory Centers in all three municipalities established The BAC strategies, methodology and tentative work-plan have been prepared Establishment of the short-term employment in intermediate/public works schemes combined with skills up-grading and on-the-job experience Trainings for 100 entrepreneurs on business management and planning organized Business Informatory Center