The Sun – what we don’t know can hurt us
A little over a year ago (and in a matter of minutes) the Sun did something more violent than we’ve ever seen before (you are here)
Space weather X-ray monitors were pegged!
Right now we’re protected by the Earth’s atmosphere and magnetosphere Satellites lost Planes rerouted Power grids shut down Communication interrupted
Got sunscreen? Got Wheat?
Ebb and flow: civilizations respond to the Sun Hotter Cooler Maunder minimum Medieval warm 10C Interglacial 10C Current Interglacial Past interglacial
How bad is it? “Our lifetime”: Probability of a major solar storm or brightness change affecting commerce with multi-billion $ impact … –90% “The next 1000 years”: Probability of major climate change affecting agriculture, global commerce, or civilization’s fabric… –50%