Welcome to the College of Engineering Sciences End of the Year Party Engineering King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
Reading from the Quraan
Dr. Samir A. Al-Baiyat Dean, College of Engineering Sciences Dean’s Address
The 6 th Saudi Engineering Conference December 14-19, 2002 December 14-19, 2002 Under the Patronage of HRH Prince Sultan Bin Abdul-Aziz Under the Patronage of HRH Prince Sultan Bin Abdul-Aziz Conference Theme: Engineering and Engineering Education : Facing the Current Challenges Conference Theme: Engineering and Engineering Education : Facing the Current Challenges
The 6 th Saudi Engineering Conference No. of Papers239 No. of Papers239 No. of Workshops12 No. of Workshops12 No. of Panel discussions2 No. of Panel discussions2 No. of Participants1500 No. of Participants1500
Establishment of a New Department The Department of Aerospace Engineering was successfully established this academic year. The Department of Aerospace Engineering was successfully established this academic year.
Chair Professorship Renewal of the Bughshan/Bell Lab. Chair Professor in Telecommunication Engineering in the EE department Renewal of the Bughshan/Bell Lab. Chair Professor in Telecommunication Engineering in the EE department Establishment of Saudi Aramco Chair Professor in Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals in the CHE Department. Establishment of Saudi Aramco Chair Professor in Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals in the CHE Department.
Funded Projects DepartmentNumber Aerospace Engineering 1 Chemical Engineering 18 Civil Engineering 23 Electrical Engineering 26 Mechanical Engineering 28 Petroleum Engineering 12
Publications DepartmentNumber Aerospace Engineering 4 Chemical Engineering 77 Civil Engineering 56 Electrical Engineering 122 Mechanical Engineering 113 Petroleum Engineering 14
Short Courses DepartmentNumber Chemical Engineering 5 Civil Engineering 15 Electrical Engineering 4 Mechanical Engineering 8 Petroleum Engineering 3
Proposed to establish four new AE labs (Aerodynamics, Flight dynamics, Flight structures, and Propulsion). Dr. Ahmed Al-Garni received the “distinguished Scientist in Engineering Prize Award” supervised by KACST. Aerospace Engineering
Chemical Engineering Establishment of CHE Industrial Advisory Committee. Establishment of an award for Distinguished Design Project and Distinguished Co-Op Report (Sponsored by Saudi Arabian Section of American Institute of Chemical Engineers SAS-AIChE.)
Establishment of CE Industrial Advisory Committee. Establishment of CE Industrial Advisory Committee. Revision and Implementation of the Graduate program. Revision and Implementation of the Graduate program. Civil Engineering
The department has renovated and upgraded: 1. Building Research Station 2. Structural Analysis Laboratory. 3. Highway Laboratory 4. Engineering Graphics Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Organizing the 10 th Technical Exchange Meeting, KFUPM, March 23-24, Organizing the “First International Symposium on Wireless Systems and Networks”, (ISWSN’03), KFUPM, March , 2003.
Organizing the 1 st IEEE GCC Conference, Bahrain, May 13-14, Dr. Mohammad Shwehdi has been selected on the editorial board of the IEEE PES Letters. Electrical Engineering
Dr. Asrar Shaikh has become: Dr. Asrar Shaikh has become: Editor, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications Editor, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications On the Editorial Board of On the Editorial Board of Wireless Personal Communications Published by Kluwer Academics Wireless Personal Communications Published by Kluwer Academics Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Published by J. Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Published by J. Wiley
Dr. Hussain Al-Duwaish has been selected on the technical committee of the IASTED “Artificial Intelligence and Simulation” Conferences ( ). Dr. Hussain Al-Duwaish has been selected on the technical committee of the IASTED “Artificial Intelligence and Simulation” Conferences ( ). The Saudi Arabia IEEE Section won the first runner up award of the outstanding chapter in IEEE/PES. The Saudi Arabia IEEE Section won the first runner up award of the outstanding chapter in IEEE/PES. Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Establishment of ME Industrial Advisory Committee. ME graduate program was revised and approved Best Student Club Award Best Student Club Award
Mechanical Engineering Approved new Turbo-machinery Center Establishment of a new CAD lab for Prep year students Upgraded System Dynamics lab, Materials Science lab, Advanced Materials Science lab and ME Workshop.
Mechanical Engineering Dr. Habib Abu Al-Hamayel has been appointed as a member of the Saudi Engineering Council Dr. Basem Al-Bedoor received Shoman Award for Young Scientist
Mechanical Engineering Dr. Ibrahim Dincer has become as: 1.Associate Editor and Editor-in-chief for two journals. 2.Editorial Board Member in two international Journals. 3.Book Series Editor :Energy/Exergy/Environment/ Sustainable Development
Mechanical Engineering Dr. Shuaib, A.N. selected as a Member of Editorial Advisory Board : Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering Dr. Said S.A.M. has been appointed as a member of the Consultative Council for Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University Project
Mechanical Engineering Dr. Yilbas, Bekir S. selected as a Member of Editorial board Dr. Yilbas, Bekir S. selected as a Member of Editorial board J. Materials Processing Technology. International J. of Machine Tool Design& Research
The revised Graduate Program has been submitted to the University Board for final approval. The Department organized a series of live lectures for PETE students done by Industry. Petroleum Engineering
The Department of Petroleum Engineering’s Student Club Organized Open Days for KFUPM students to meet with: Saudi Aramco officials, Schlumberger and Halliburton Petroleum Engineering
Guest lecturers from outside the Kingdom: Dr. Ian Alexander Davidson, Middle East Regional Coordinator, UBD Global Implementation Team, Dubai. Professor Seyed Ali Danesh, Department Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland,U K Professor Seyed Ali Danesh, Department Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland,U K Petroleum Engineering
Schlumberger Company plans to up grade the production lab. PC Lab. has been upgraded for students use Petroleum Engineering
Dr. Muhammad Al-Marhoun has been selected as Associate Editor of Energy, The International Journal. Dr. Mohamed Aggour has been elected as the Chairman of the SPE Forum and participated in several international SPE committees. Dr. Mohamed Aggour has been elected as the Chairman of the SPE Forum and participated in several international SPE committees.
Dr. Sidqi Abu-Khamsin represented the department in the SPEAsia Pacific Colloquium/University Development of Multidisciplinary Petroleum Engineering Curricula, September 12 – 15, Dr. Abdulaziz A. Al-Majed was selected as a representative for the Ministry of Higher Education for the establishment of a Regional Centre for Scientific and Technological Research in Energy. Petroleum Engineering
University Awards Best Teaching andAdvising
Nominees for Teaching & Advising Awards Dr. Dr. Habib Al-Ali (CHE) Dr. Sleem-ur-Rahman(CHE) Dr. Muhammad Al-Zahrani (CE) Dr. S.M. Zubair (ME) Dr. Abdel Salam Eleiche (ME) Dr. Sidqi Abu-Khamseen (PETE) Dr. Khalid Al-Fossail (PETE) Dr. Yousef Abdul-Magid (EE) Dr. Mohamed Mohandes (EE)
Dr. Muhammad Al-Zahrani Civil Engineering Winners of Teaching & Advising Awards Dr. Syed M. Zubair Mechanical Engineering
Research Award
Dr. Ibrahim Dincer ME Dr.Yousef Abdel-Magid EE Research Award
Best Short Course Award The Short Course: SUPERPAVE Asphalt Binder Testing and Mix Design, coordinated by Professor Hamad I. Al- Abdul Wahhab The Short Course: SUPERPAVE Asphalt Binder Testing and Mix Design, coordinated by Professor Hamad I. Al- Abdul Wahhab
Dean’s Vision
Industry-College link Industry-College link Interdisciplinary Instructional Programs Interdisciplinary Instructional Programs Collaboration with International Reputable Institutions Collaboration with International Reputable Institutions Long-Term Strategies
Integrating Research Methodologies into Undergraduate programs Integrating Research Methodologies into Undergraduate programs Integrating IT into Academic Programs &Curriculum. Integrating IT into Academic Programs &Curriculum. Faculty Professional Developments Faculty Professional Developments Long-Term Strategies
Introduction of Course Projects & Seminars to improve Student’s Communication Skills Introduction of Course Projects & Seminars to improve Student’s Communication Skills Revision of undergraduate programs & introduction of Web-Based Courses Revision of undergraduate programs & introduction of Web-Based Courses Introduction of Design Concepts in Each Course Introduction of Design Concepts in Each Course Development of Co-Op & Summer Programs to enhance student self confidence. Development of Co-Op & Summer Programs to enhance student self confidence. Short-Term Objectives
Program self Assessments and international Accreditation (ABET). Program self Assessments and international Accreditation (ABET). Increase and Support Multi- Disciplinary Research Increase and Support Multi- Disciplinary Research Establish Centers of Research Excellence Establish Centers of Research Excellence Short-Term Objectives
Establish More Endowment Chair Professorship Programs Establish More Endowment Chair Professorship Programs Arrange Off-Campus Courses & Training Sessions. Arrange Off-Campus Courses & Training Sessions. Increase Cooperation with Professional Societies. Increase Cooperation with Professional Societies. Short-Term Objectives
H.E. The Rector Dr. Khalid Al-Sultan
Department Service Awards
Dr. Basel Abu-Sharkh Chemical Engineering Dr. Mohamed Deriche Electrical Engineering Service Awards
Dr. Nedal Ratrout Civil Engineering Dr. Necar Merah Mechanical Engineering Service Awards
Dr. Hasan Al-Yousef Petroleum Engineering Service Awards
Mr. Basheer Ahmed Chemical Engineering Mr. Abbas, Edmana Electrical Engineering Service Awards
Mr. Mumtaz Ali Khan Civil Engineering Mr. Mohammad Karam Mechanical Engineering Service Awards
Mr. Musa Ali Mousa Petroleum Engineering Service Awards
Mr. Yahia Farghally College of Applied Engineering Mr. M. V. Paulose College of Engineering Sciences Service Awards
Leaving Faculty
Electrical Engineering Dr. David Andy Kucar Mechanical Engineering Dr. Dincer, Ibrahim Dr. Spuzic, Sead Mr. Khan, Jameelur Rahman Mr. Doxford, Richard Mr. Cahill, David Leaving Faculty
Chemical Engineering Mr. Usman Al-Nafaty Dr. Ibrahim Abu-Reesh Dr. R.N. Sharma Leaving Faculty
CES Special Functions Committee Dr. Zakariya Al-HamouzDr. Mohammad AntarDr. Sidqi Abu-KhamseenDr. R. Kahraman Dr. Hussein Al-Ghahtani
Thank you