END OF MONGOL RULE Formal repudiation, 1480 But Russians had stopped paying formal tribute in 1452 Khan’s last efforts to reign in Russians fail
MUSCOVITE RUSSIA THE RISE OF AUTOCRACY Ivan III: as heir to Byzantium & Kiev Marries Sophia Paleologus, niece of last Byzantine Emperor Invests office with greater prestige & authority adopts formal Byzantine court rituals & ceremony begins using titles TSAR, AUTOCRAT & GOSUDAR
MUSCOVITE RUSSIA THE RISE OF AUTOCRACY Ivan III Administrative changes aimed at increasing control Redistribution of land – from votchina to pomestie New codification of laws = Sudebnik
MUSCOVITE RUSSIA THE RISE OF AUTOCRACY Ivan III Built up Moscow gave city new grandeur Uspenskii Sobor (Assumption Cathedral) Granovitaia PalaceBlagoveshchenskii Sobor (Annunciation Cathedral)
MUSCOVITE RUSSIA THE RISE OF AUTOCRACY Vasili III (r ) Annexes all remaining appanages Expands Russian borders Establishes relations with great powers of time
MUSCOVITE RUSSIA THE CHURCH Moscow as the “THIRD ROME” Moscow as the new & legitimate center of Orthodox Christianity Strengthened authority & prestige of Moscow & ruler Russian Orthodoxy takes on messianistic qualities
MUSCOVITE RUSSIA THE CHURCH POSSESSORS V. NON- POSSESSORS Possessors: wanted close connection between church & tsar Non-Possessors (Trans-Volga Elders): wanted poor church independent from state Possessors emerge victorious Now Church & state work to support each other Joseph of Volotsk Nil Sorskii
THE RISE OF MOSCOW WHY DID MOSCOW SUCCEED? Geographic location Role of princes Relationship with Mongols Role of Church