Department of Mathematics Southern Utah University
Some Facts about the Department of Mathematics Great student support: Free tutoring labs for all classes up through Calculus III Great student support: Free tutoring labs for all classes up through Calculus III Excellent computer facilities: Have Mathematica, Maple, and Geometer’s Sketchpad in a 45- computer Math Lab. Excellent computer facilities: Have Mathematica, Maple, and Geometer’s Sketchpad in a 45- computer Math Lab.
Many jobs available to more advanced students: Private tutoring Tutoring in the Math Lab Teaching Assistant for Math Classes College Algebra, Calculus I, II, and III. Get to teach once per week, other times when asked by the professor. Grader Research Assistant More about the Math Department…
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics 100% placement of graduates in graduate programs. 100% placement of graduates in graduate programs. Great major for graduate studies in Engineering, Physics, Statistics, and other fields. Great major for graduate studies in Engineering, Physics, Statistics, and other fields. Very good pre-law and pre-med degree. Very good pre-law and pre-med degree. Jobs in computers, business, etc. Jobs in computers, business, etc.
Bachelor of Science in Math Education 100% placement in high school teaching positions 100% placement in high school teaching positions Critical shortage nationwide of high school math teachers Critical shortage nationwide of high school math teachers Graduate studies in Math Education: Pick where you want to go after a Ph.D.! Graduate studies in Math Education: Pick where you want to go after a Ph.D.! Great job for a second income Great job for a second income
B.S. in Math/Emphasis in Actuarial Science Actuaries are always ranked as one of the top three jobs in the nation (Jobs rated handbook) Can pass up to two actuarial exams before graduating Find jobs in insurance companies and large businesses Near perfect job in security, lifestyle, and pay
B.S. in Math/Emphasis in Bioinformatics Fascinating blend of Biology, Computer Science and Mathematics Fascinating blend of Biology, Computer Science and Mathematics Placement in labs: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Placement in labs: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Summer Internships! Summer Internships! High demand High demand