MSU4 Some comparisons of tropical radiosondes with satellites
MSU4 and radiosondes at San Juan MSU4 integrated sonde difference seasonal cycles deseasonalized anomalies
SSU15x and radiosondes at San Juan seasonal cycles SSU15x integrated sonde difference Nash Miller
Comparisons at Singapore MSU4 SSU15x
More comparisons with MSU4 MajuroCayenne Tahiti note jumps in differences
trends derived from MSU4 and sondes MSU4 trends sonde trends * note that most of the trend differences originate from discontinuous jumps
sonde trends vs. local time of measurement
MSU2 (troposphere) and radiosondes at San Juan
MSU2 (troposphere) and radiosondes CayenneTahiti note jumps
trends derived from MSU2 and sondes MSU2 shows warming sondes show cooling * again, most of the trend differences originate from discontinuous jumps