Target Monitoring and Control Current status DAQ card – NI 6254 Analog/Digital card Problems with Linux version drivers Currently reading up to 12 channels analog Target position is digital so convert to analog to read with card……. Unsatisfactory.
Software Status Two components DAQ code – James Reads raw data from card and dumps into event (individual pulses) files. Monitoring application EPICS based monitoring - Pierrick
Variables Recorded ISIS beam intensity - analog Target dip depth – digital Beamloss all kinds – analog Frame status raised/lowered - analog Delay Beam Position
P s,T s T Beam on T Beam off P min,T min BL Peak
Integration with Main DAQ J-Ss card installed in target DAQ machine J-S independently producing code to read from target DAQ. Need to ensure we can simultaneously monitor target Need to be able to switch back to own DAQ on demand
Target Monitoring and Control Target hardware is being redesigned. Target control electronics being upgraded. Requirement to completely redo target monitoring and control software. Requested feedback from collaboration. List of features specified.
Conclusion New target hardware will require new control electronics. New control electronics will require new software. New monitoring and control software will allow preset dip depths and delay timings to be loaded. Clear display of target parameters. History plots of previous pulses/runs. Integration with main MICE DAQ.