CUSP134: Icarus’s Parachute Writing and Reflection Today 1.SP1, General Comments on Reading 2.Known-New Contract 3.Transition: Nye, McLuhan >> Bertman, Hartley 4.Integrating Quotations 5.Bertman, “Warp Speed” 6.Reading Preparation #5
CUSP134: Icarus’s Parachute Writing and Reflection Again: Quality of Writing Depends on Quality of Reading PROBLEM: "Thought is non-productive labor, and hence does not show up as such on balance sheets except as waste" - Bill Readings, The University in Ruins “It is hard to get the news from poems, yet men die miserably every day for want of what is found there.” - William Carlos Williams "In reading, a lonely quiet concert is given to our minds; all our mental faculties will be present in this symphonic exaltation" - Stephane Mallarme ISSUES: Precision & Patience; PAYOFF: Credibility, Clarity and Communicable Insight
CUSP134: Icarus’s Parachute Writing and Reflection SP1 Common Errors 1.The Quote Machine-Gunner (assumes the quotes will do the work and quantity = rigor) 2.The Hasty Thematizer (identify a theme or idea and either A) jump to criticism, or B) repeat all the things that confirm the theme) 3.The Thesaurus Illogician (assumes exact attention to language/words is for nerds and inconsequential to meaning) Next: Known-New Technique (handout)
CUSP134: Icarus’s Parachute Technology and Speed Recap: Philosophies of Technology 1.Nye – Approaches to Tech 1.Externalist, [Internalist, Contextualist] 2.Errors: Social & Technical Determinisms 3.mechanization, soft determinism, naturalization 2.McLuhan – Tech as Mediation 1.Pay attention to: medium, sense experience, information flow, media forms/structures 2.Cultural habits and dominant media forms; visual/aural 3.Hartley, Bertman – SPEED
CUSP134: Icarus’s Parachute Reading Bertman’s “Warp Speed” Integrating and Reasoning with Quotations Ways to reason with texts in your writing (handout) Reading Tasks (30min) A.Underline at least 2 passages where Bertman is drawing a significant conclusion from something he has described or discussed B.Identify at least 3 quotations used by Bertman and mark them