CS 221/ IT 221 Lecture 14 Software Engineering Dr. Jim Holten
Overview A Little History Project Needs The Roadmap A View from Afar
History In the beginning...
Machine code Machine code is cryptic It was a new concept, so people had to train themselves There were no design and development procedures to follow, so they invented their own. Code development was slow and unreliable. Good coders needed EXTREME discipline. Coordinating multiple efforts was....??
History Order out of chaos
Development Process Describe problem in written language. Refine the concepts toward algorithms in the available instructions. Write the code. Translate to machine code. Put the program into the machine and run it.
History Formalized approaches to software engineering
Project Management Approaches Waterfall... Formal reviews. Sign-offs. Engineering Change Proposals ? Spiral... Waiting while we get sign-off....
Software Developer Approaches Top down design and coding Bottom up design and coding Mixtures Objects Patterns Data Flow Diagrams, SADT, HIPO, state diagrams, flow charts, ER diagrams,... UML
Tools IDEs CASE Blah blah blah.... Nice concepts and features, but not “complete”. Buggy too! Heavy overhead – slows development.
History Getting less formal
Management Impatience Takes too long! Want results right away! Must invest too much before we see any results! Frustrating!
Developer Impatience Too much documentation! Squelches creativity! Frustrating!
Alternatives Rapid prototyping Extreme programming Rapid development Empower the programmer
History Losing it
Self-organizing Developers? Seven blind men and the elephant Whose vision do I follow? Each doing their own “right thing” Why won't they include this essential item in their interface for me? Who's in charge here? HELP!!!
History In the beginning... Order out of chaos! Formalized approaches to software engineering Getting less formal Losing it
Projects What does a project NEED? How should it be organized? Who should decide? How do we coordinate priorities and choices made?
Project Needs What are we supposed to be doing? -- a vision
Vision Vision statement High level testable requirements Subdivision into modules Detailed testable requirements for modules
Project Needs How shall we do it? -- a plan
A Plan Project plan Design overview – subdivide into modules Interface specifications Detailed designs – each module Programmer assignments Schedules Risk assessment
Project Needs Getting down and dirty -- the coding
The Coding Coding standards Version control Standardized environments Assignments Problem reporting and resolution procedures Unit testing – internal implementation correct Unit delivery
Project Needs Does it work? -- testing, testing goals
Testing “Unit” testing Integration testing Acceptance testing Test plans
Project Needs You want what? -- merging changes
Changes Requirements change requests Investigation, scoping, planning, and reporting Merging it into the workflow Updating documents, code, and tests
Project Needs How do I install and use this thing? -- delivery
Project Needs Bugs? New features? -- new releases
Project Needs What are we supposed to be doing? -- a vision How shall we do it? -- a plan Getting down and dirty -- the coding Does it work? -- testing, testing goals You want what? -- merging changes How do I install and use this thing? -- delivery Bugs? New features? -- new releases
A Roadmap -- Landmarks Vision Requirements Designs Interface definitions Implementation plans Coder assignments Test plans Tests and test results
Project View from Afar
View From Afar Storyboarding Iterative and stepwise refinement Making the project “flow” Taking control of what is important Ablility to judge relative significance of tasks Ability to easily shift resources and focus