Generation of Artificial Data in Support of SDO-HMI Nagi N. Mansour, NASA ARC Alan Wray, NASA ARC Thomas Hartlep, Stanford CTR Alexander Kosovichev, Stanford HEPL Thomas Duvall, NASA GSFC Mark Miesch, UCAR
Two efforts in progress: (1)Direct simulation of wave propagation in solar interior (2)Large-eddy simulation of the near-surface convection zone
Random forcing Damping Layer above Surface Wave equation Equations Direct Simulation of Wave Propagation in the Solar Interior
Spherical harmonics, and Basis-Spline in radial direction Resolution in all directions adjustable with r Treatment of coordinate singularity by enforcing regularity condition at the center Non-reflecting boundary by means of a damping layer at the top Temporally random forcing of each spherical harmonics mode Numerical Method Example of B-Splines
Oscillation Power Spectra radial-symmetric Sound Speed of a Standard Solar Model with gravity term without gravity term
StellarBox Rectangular geometry 50 50 43 Mm Compressible, radiation-hydro equations LTE radiation, 14 ray angular quadrature Non-ideal (tabular) EOS; tabular, binned opacity 4th order Padé derivatives 3rd (or 4th) order Runge-Kutta in time No-penetration, hydrostatic-pressure b.c.’s MPI parallelization
StellarBox MPI code Scaling results on Columbia
Current status 500 500 500 on 100 processors (typically) ~7-8 hour runs steps/run Also used on brown dwarf stars
Vertical velocity in an x-z plane
Enstrophy ( | | 2 ) in an x-z plane