The Pathway to Success Further Develop Distance Education Goal 3 – Initiative 2
The Pathway to Success Introduction & Purpose Grow enrollment w/o new buildings Serve place- bound Hoosiers Provide flexibility for student success Respond to the market place Expand reach of programs of distinction Distance Education as a Strategy
The Pathway to Success Methods Build Infrastructure Unit/Staff Planning Student & Faculty Services Instructional Capacity Maximize Existing Capacity Develop New programs Foundational Studies Bachelor’s completion for working adults Professional Graduate Programs
The Pathway to Success Activities FS Faculty Development New Programs Procedures and Process Student Services Faculty Support Marketing Standards
The Pathway to Success BENCHMARKSFall 2010Fall 2011Fall 2012Fall 2013Fall 2014 Total DE Students DE U/G degrees completed* DE Grad degrees completed* Distance FTE * Calendar year
The Pathway to Success Summary Significant progress Basic infrastructure development Faculty and student services Expansion of Foundational Studies online Opportunities for advancement Marketing of existing and new programs Reading and responding to new environment Adoption of new tools and techniques