Objectives of the Course 1. To provide students global view of news stories in New York Times, The Washington Post, and China Post.


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Presentation transcript:

Objectives of the Course 1. To provide students global view of news stories in New York Times, The Washington Post, and China Post.

2. To provide students with articles that are carefully selected for high interest, international cope, and varied subject areas.

3. To help students better understand the articles’ main points, vocabulary and idioms as well as their pronunciation.

4. To improve students’ reading strategies that can be applied to their independent reading of a wide range of texts, from magazines to business reports.

Requirements and Grading Policy 習題作業繳交 30% 出席與線上討論 20% 小組口語新聞英語報告 20% 期末筆試 30%

Organization of each unit 1. Focus on the News - Previewing the articles - Getting the main ideas

2. Understanding the News Articles - Expanding vocabulary and expressions - Analyzing sentences and paragraphs

3. Listen To It - Improving listening comprehension - Practicing pronunciation and intonation of the news stories.

4. Self – Evaluation - understanding of the main ideas - mastering of the vocabulary and expressions

Chapters to be covered Unit I : Introduction: Reading Strategies and guidelines Unit II: International News Unit III: Business News Unit IV : Science and Technology News Unit V : Sports News Unit VI: Arts and Entertainment

Learning Activities in each unit 1. Online Lectures—WMV files 2. News Articles Reading and Listening– PP Files 3. On Line Chatroom Discussion 4. Self-Evaluation