Semantic Web The Web with Semantics
What is the Semantic Web? Knowledge Representation on the (decentralized) web. Definitions from Google Definitions from Google
Key Features of the Semantic Web Content meaningful to computers XML, RDF Defining the world in objects (xml) URIs, not words, for concepts and associations. Decentralized and open anyone can publish data about anything
Decentralized and Open Anyone can define attributes of anything. Berner’s Lee says Web doesn’t discriminate between “paper napkins” and well-thought out refereed articles. Is this true?
The Old Web Database ServletServer dynamic page static page
The Web with Semantics Database Service xml Server rdf Servlet Database
The Web with Semantics Database Service xml Server rdf Servlet Database Objects, Associations, Reasoning Rules
3-Layer DB Approach on the Web Database Service xml Server rdf Servlet Software Agent
Sample Questions for the Semantic Web Find the Ms. Cook I met at a trade conference last year. Get me a list of all academic publications concerning metasearch systems
Traditional Knowledge Representation Closed Systems that can’t talk to each other Narrow, Idiosyncratic
Knowledge Representation on Web RDF is the glue Formerly closed systems can publish RDF Can also publish RDF translators vis-à-vis similar systems There’s a lot of low hanging fruit.
XML XML clause is: property:string value:string wolber An object is a hierarchical set of clauses wolber david
RDF adds universality and subjects to each clause RDF Clause is a triple subject:uri – property:uri – value:uri
XML vs. RDF wolber david
Property is a URI Can go there and see precise definition Allows standards to build up e.g., dublin core, foaf People can write equivalence equations with RDF.
In-Class Research Assignment There is foaf, dublin core, rdf Let’s compile a catgorized listing of all rdf schemas, including those. Films, Books, relationships between people… Let’s build a wiki page on it.