Welcome to St. Crispin’s Year 10 Information Evening
Outline of the Evening Mr Patterson – Tracking, Target Setting and Mentoring Mr Matthews – Attendance, Stress, Healthy Eating, Revision and Exams
Tracking Performance Analysis of available data Targets set Tracking grades Intervention where appropriate Mentoring Monitoring coursework
What is this data? CATs (cognitive ability tests) Scores range from 70 to is the key point for C grades (some say 90)
More data KS2 & 3 data – from year 6 and year 9 Use back data of students with similar results to predict an outcome Threshold for C’s tends to be just above 30 (average score) Also produces predictive graphs.
And more… Fischer Family Trust
Targets Are realistic Include an element of challenge Are subject to review.
Tracking Grades Regular assessments Any causes for concern identified Reported each term
Intervention Ongoing analysis of tracking data Appropriate actions taken Particular emphasis on English and Maths Often results in Mentoring Support with management of Coursework
Mentoring meetings A typical meeting will be…..
What does it all mean? We want to give all the students the best possible chance to reach their full potential.
Any Questions?
Secondary School Key Stage 4 Performance by Average Absence Sessions
What is stress? Stress is worry or tension. If it's extreme or present all the time, it makes us feel ill. When do I feel stressed? It's quite normal to feel stressed some of the time especially when you're studying for exams. You need to learn ways to deal with this 'normal stress', always keeping in mind that it will get better. Physical effects of stress We all know the racing heartbeat and breathless feeling of being really worried, even from something as simple as waiting for a phone call. Almost any symptom can come from stress but the commonest are nausea, indigestion, tummy upsets, headaches, tiredness, dizziness and panic attacks. It can stop you sleeping or make you sleep more, put you off food or make you very hungry! It can also worsen other illnesses like asthma, epilepsy or diabetes. WHAT IS STRESS ?
How can I deal with stress? Talk to your friends - you'll find you're not alone. Get enough sleep, but don't overdo it or you'll feel groggy. Even if you aren't hungry, eat small regular meals with plenty of clear fluids. Physical exercise such as sport or yoga is very good for stress, taking your mind off things. Manage your study time efficiently so that you can focus on your work. Plan your workload and don't let it pile up - that'll just panic you more.
Eat your way to happiness Did you know that what we eat - and how we eat - has a huge effect on our intelligence, moods, and feelings of well being?what we eathow we eatintelligencefeelings of well being A poor diet can make us: anxious/fearful have mood swings unable to concentrate forgetful feel low and tearful depressed tired all the time sleep poorly get cravings
Although weighing only 2% of total body weight, the brain uses approximately 20% of the body's energy at rest. This is why regular, nutritious meals are important during exam time. Eat your ways to higher marks!
Make sure you take time out of studying to do something relaxing - spend at least half an hour every two hours having 'me time'.
Spread the Load GCSE is a two year course – to reach your potential you must use the full two years: –Coursework –Modules –Year 10 exams –Mocks –Past papers –Feedback
Controlled Assessment Replace coursework Exam conditions Be prepared Retakes virtually impossible Friday Catch up Map being issued
Revision Technique All revision should actively stimulate the brain – Study Partner – Condensing notes – Mind maps – Page questions – Use study skills day techniques – School revision sessions –Online sources
Revision Timings No longer than 30 mins then a short break Longer break after 2 hours Progressive, long term memory aids the short term For Mocks – Oct half term For Summer – Feb half term
Before the Exam Plenty of water Bananas Arrive in good time Correct equipment and uniform Any final revision before you arrive Seat numbers Exam Rules Know the exam structure
In the exam Remain calm Work on timings using space provided and marks as a guide Re-read questions Attempt ALL questions Show ALL workings Technique Use all the time provided Re-read questions before checking your answers Use materials provided
Any Questions?