The First Mechatronics SWG Presentation of region and cluster-activities PP4 Bulgaria Economic Forum January 18th, 2011 Bologna - Italy
Formally established on December 22, 2006 On the Cluster was re-registered as a legal non-profit organisation Head office: Sofia, Regional centre: Blagoevgrad Members: high-tech companies: scientific bodies in the field of instrument-building, hardware and software; leading Bulgarian NGOs Products exported predominantly to European market: Germany, France, Spain, Sweden, Great Britain, as well as to: the United States, China, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, India, Brazil and Mexico Sofia/ Blagoevgrad Mechatronics Cluster
MEMBERS: Production companies: Spesima Ltd., Sofia Vaniko Ltd., Blagoevgrad Kristian-Deni Ltd., Blagoevgrad Robotika JSC, Velingrad Intelligent Security Systems Ltd., Vratsa
MEMBERS: Semis Ltd, Sofia EN Marvel Engineering Ltd., Sofia Saturn Engineering Ltd., Sofia Stratex Ltd., Sofia
MEMBERS: Samel-90 JSC, Samokov Spesima Engineering Ltd., Sofia Pixeye Ltd., Sofia SD Partners Ltd. Systems Automation Technologies – SAT Ltd (Associate Member)
MEMBERS: Scientific bodies: The Institute of Mechanics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences The Central Laboratory of Mechatronics and Instrument-building at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences The Faculty of Engineering represented by its Department of Instrument- building at the Technical University of Sofia
MEMBERS: Non-Government Organisations: The GIS – Transfer Center Foundation The Bulgarian Industrial Association The Automatics and Informatics Union Applied Research and Communications Fund
CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Further diversification of the members’ activities; Enlargement of the cluster – acceptance of new members; Establishing contacts with public bodies; Creating contacts with foreign partners.
CHAIRMAN: Deputy Chair of the Associations of Business Clusters in Bulgaria TEAM:Export-oriented/ outward looking team SUPPORT:Supported by wide-ranging skills of main companies/ Academy of Sciences, etc.
RFG in Sofia Representatives of the Bulgarian mechatronics cluster participate in the RFG in Sofia. They expressed their interest in the project activities, their willingness to be involved in the project implementation at transnational level and their readiness to partake in the PEV event and to become part of a transnational mechatronics cluster.
Expectations of the cluster members, associations and companies -new business contacts; -new markets; -free information, exchange of good practices and experience; -joint participation in financed by EU and other donors projects; -greater cooperation on R+D/University Research
Many thanks for your kind attention ! Bulgaria Economic Forum Bulgarian Association of Business Clusters