CEP welcome back September 8, 2005
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Questions? Any Acrobat woes? Any Yahoo woes? Anything not clear about the course?
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Theory of Mind Discussion time … Everyone should be able to talk about someone else’s theory of mind they wrote about and what was interesting about it.
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Cognitive Psychology - Where did it come from? What the book told you - Wundt, Ebbinghaus, Watson, Skinner, Chomskey. What Anderson’s Book sort of tells you (but Ashcraft’s book doesn’t) People from Computer Science (Newell, Simon, Winnegrad, Minsky) started cross fertilizing with People from psychology (Baddley, Miller, etc.)
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Anderson … Too much emphasis on neuroscience for the purposes of this class, I wouldn’t pay too much attention to the details.
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Key Points (Ashcraft) - Processing ≠ Aware Disconnect between processing and conscious awareness Highly learned processes are “automatic” and don’t require thinking Many processes happen too quickly to notice
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Key Points - Memory As Information As a process As a location
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Key Points - Cognitive Psychology / Information Processing Assumes Mental Processes Exist Mental Representations Exist Sensory systems are the interface between the world and the representations. Humans are actively representing and processing information This is enough to account for most (if not all of “cognition”).
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology How does a computer “think” It has representations of data Formats for representing text, documents, video, pictures in terms of lists of 0s and 1s. It has processes that operate on these representations (I.e. programs) It has an “interface” to the outside world (Input- output devices). It actively represents and processes information
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology So how could that possibly be enough?
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Termites Termites collect stuff from the surface to build a mound. How do they accomplish this?
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Whole class activity Play termites
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Discuss Termites
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Experiment - Time allowing I’m going to show you 5 words. Then I’m going to remove the slide. Your job is to remember them. Shortly afterwords, I’m going to ask you to write down the words I showed you.
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology WitSumHarmBayTop
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Write the 5 words down Or as many as you can remember… Now we are going to do it again w/ different words …
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology PaperDoornobOrangePlasticOrder
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Okay Write them down Lets do it again …
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology UniversityOpportunityAluminumConstitutionalAuditorium
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Okay Write down the 5 words … Now lets collect some results
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Please explain the results …
Matthew J. Koehler September 8, 2005CEP Cognition and Technology Next Week Readings Visual Representations - Anderson + Pinker Homework : Your chance to play cognitive experimentalist Keep working on getting your work displayed Figure out who you want to work with (working groups for semester long projects)