Shuttle Challenger Disaster Design Implications Homework 2 Steven Callahan Design Implications Homework 2 Steven Callahan
January 28, 1986
Immediate Cause O-Ring failure due to low temperatures at launch (29 F)
Procedural Causes Administrators “Awful consequences result when heroic engineers are ignored by villainous administrators.” Engineers Could not effectively communicate Easily swayed by administration Administrators “Awful consequences result when heroic engineers are ignored by villainous administrators.” Engineers Could not effectively communicate Easily swayed by administration
The Presentation 13 Charts were prepared by Thiokol Engineers Thiokol Managers recommended an abort NASA was unconvinced and asked to reconsider Thiokol Managers gave the go ahead 13 Charts were prepared by Thiokol Engineers Thiokol Managers recommended an abort NASA was unconvinced and asked to reconsider Thiokol Managers gave the go ahead
The Presentation Chart 1
The Presentation Chart 3
The Presentation Conclusion
Procedural Errors Should be concise Should have more convincing opening and closing statements Data should be presented is a way that can be easily interpreted (eg., correlation is obvious) Should be concise Should have more convincing opening and closing statements Data should be presented is a way that can be easily interpreted (eg., correlation is obvious)
Better Presentation Include all data in one table Tufte ‘98
Better Presentation Show correlation better Tufte ‘98
Conclusion Engineers need to learn to communicate! Acknowledgments Visual Explanations, Edwared Tufte ‘98 Wikipedia Engineers need to learn to communicate! Acknowledgments Visual Explanations, Edwared Tufte ‘98 Wikipedia