Delivering Regeneration in Cumbria Gillian Elliott and Ian Hill Cumbria Regeneration Support Team
Overview Cumbria – location and context The policy environment EU and other funding programmes How programmes work together Case studies – examples of projects
Where are we?
Policy Context Regional Economic Strategy Produced by NW Regional Development Agency Key document for allocation of UK Government Funds for Regional Development Regional Spatial Strategy Regional spatial planning policy – what development, and where Produced by NW Regional Assembly (non-elected regional government) Sub-regional strategy Produced by partners in Cumbria to support Cumbria’s priorities
EU Programmes Objective 2 programmes since 1988 Major source of economic development funds in the region Recognise that we need to diversify after 2006.
Other EU programmes Leader+ 2 Interreg projects – one RFO Leonardo projects Current interest in Article 6, FP6
Regional Funds – 2 new delivery companies RRural Regeneration Cumbria WWestlakes Renaissance
National, Regional and Local Programmes Rural Regeneration Cumbria North West Development Agency EU Funds: Government Office North West Westlakes Renaissance Objective 2Objective 3 Cumbria Learning and Skills Council UK Government Funds Regeneration Support Team Projects Job Centre Plus
Objective 2/3 Programme Monitoring Committee Objective 2 Advisory Group Objective 3 Advisory Group Action Plan Partnerships Programme Management Group Co-financing organisations EU Structural funds governance
Priority 1: Business and Ideas Priority 2: People and Communities Priority 3: Regional Infrastructure C B & I partnership: business support agencies, local authorities, £12m Alston Moor Partnership £0.2m West Cumbria Partnership £3.5m Barrow Partnership £2.4m Local partnerships: local authorities, NGOs, regeneration agencies Rural Cumbria Economic Development Zone (EDZ) £6m West Cumbria & Furness Economic Development Zone (EDZ) £12m Objective 2 - Cumbria
Integrated team Regeneration Support Team supports Objectives 2, 3, Leader+ and regional funds Financed by ERDF/ESF technical assistance and Cumbria partners Management and employment by local authority Project support and development Policy and intelligence Appraisal, monitoring, reporting and financial claims
Case Study 1: Whitehaven Community Enterprise Unit Objective 2, priority 2 Offers employment support, advice and social enterprise activity for unemployed people Refurbishment of building £167,000, 50% ERDF, 50% regional funds Services to unemployed people financed by ESF (Objective 3) and regional funds
Case Study 2: Osprey project Pandion haliaetus (‘fish eagle’ - falco pescatore Extinct in UK from 1919 Project to support and promote their re- introduction to England Total Project Costs: £541,095 or around €750,000 (50% ERDF Objective 2, priority 3) 100,000 visitors/year, over €2m in to local economy
Case Study 3: Wordsworth Trust A study centre and historic collection for William Wordsworth – poet and writer of the 18 th and 19 th centuries. Total project £3 million: ERDF £400,000 (Objective 2, priority 3), Heritage Lottery (UK National Lottery) £2 million Developed and managed by NGO Iconic architecture in a National Park
More to do Possible developments: Matching the funds at source so that applicant makes one application Integrated appraisal systems Funding programmes to use the same targets and outputs Do different sources of funding follow the same strategy?