Director’s Update Quarterly Meeting January 2011
13.5% Average Area unemployment rate/ 13,800 total unemployed 692 -Daily foot traffic in Career Centers 440 in training since July 1, 2010 $18.7 Million total budget 7/1/10 – 6/30/11 Remaining $3.7 Million to be secured 12,466 NCRC’s awarded to date South Central Tennessee Workforce Alliance
$1.4 Million Ended November 2010 163 positions subsidized in 7 participating counties 23 permanently hired; 8 by subsidized employer; 15 by new employer Special thanks to: Tonja Garrett - Special Project Coordinator Terry Wallace – NEG Business Services Manager South Central Tennessee Workforce Alliance
Submitted to USDOL – DC office for final approval after recommendation from Atlanta Regional Office Final Request: $8.6 Million Purpose: Serve 1,500 Dislocated Workers South Central Tennessee Workforce Alliance
Final negotiations to purchase the building with majority of value donated by GM Contract moving through State Lease with an option to buy to be finalized by January 30 Will immediately open training to the public Actively seeking tenant for 200,000 sq ft office space South Central Tennessee Workforce Alliance
Two new members from our area join Guy Derryberry: Ray Marston of Lawrenceburg Eliot Mitchell of Spring Hill TDHA Keep My Tennessee Home announced Performance Standards South Central Tennessee Workforce Alliance
Slashing domestic spending will be a top priority Workforce Development will be positioned as an investment with ROI rather than a “program” TN Congressmen Roe & DesJarlais have been appointed to the House Education & Workforce Committee with Roe as Subcommittee Chair of Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions South Central Tennessee Workforce Alliance
28 received designation as Global Career Development Facilitators Maury Alliance 2011 Chairman – Jan McKeel Tn Automotive Manufacturing Association Chair Elect – Tom Brewer ProLiteracy Leadership Excellence Academy Certification– Sheryl Jordan Maury Co. United Way Budget & Allocations Chairman 2011 – Rick Molder Leadership Maury Jamie Ledford Lawrence County FEMA Board Chairman - Chuck Huckaby South Central Tennessee Workforce Alliance
Perry Co. School Board Member ; 911 Board Secretary - Janet Carroll Secretary for Lewis County Health Council - Thelma Johns Hickman Co. ECD Chairman – Rob Mitchell Vivian Cathey – President of APSU Alumni Assoc. Service Awards for 2010 Stan Smith – 25 yrs Suzy O’Daniel – 10 yrs Vicki Jenkins – 10 yrs Jane Akinsanya – 10 yrs Donna Luna – 10 yrs Maggie Serrano – 5 yrs South Central Tennessee Workforce Alliance
Portion of each quarterly board meeting will be devoted to orientation “Assignment” will be sent electronically in advance of meeting Brief review and discussion, with opportunity for board input and discussion South Central Tennessee Workforce Alliance
Purpose Convening for Full Involvement - The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 established a new system, with the purpose of convening fully business, labor, education, economic development, one-stop partners and community based organizations to design and guarantee quality of the new system. Which partner segment do you represent? South Central Tennessee Workforce Alliance
Establishment The Governor has the authority to establish sub- state areas or Local Workforce Investment Areas (LWIAs). There are currently 13 in Tennessee. Decisions are made based on factors such as labor market areas, and may have grandfathered previous designations if the area met performance criteria. We were grandfathered into LWIA status in Maintaining performance and fiscal integrity is key to continued designation. We consistently perform in the top LWIAs – 3 rd in the state most recently! South Central Tennessee Workforce Alliance
Membership Appointed by local elected officials based on criteria established by the Governor Must be a majority of business representatives Other required partners include representatives of: Education providers Labor organizations Community Based Organizations (CBOs) Economic Development Agencies Each One-Stop Partner South Central Tennessee Workforce Alliance