Classroom Assessment FOUN 3100 Fall 2003
Assessment is an integral part of teaching.
Timeliness of Assessment Pre-instruction assessment (before instruction): Previous grades, standardized test scores, and informal classroom observations Formative assessment (during instruction): ongoing observation and monitoring that guides instructional decisions Summative assessment (after instruction): formal assessment done to document student learning
Pre-tests Consider using pre-tests in your classroom. It establishes what the kids already know so you can guide your instruction in more appropriate ways. Pre-tests also are a way to measure student improvement.
Contemporary Views of Learning Guide Assessment Decisions Assessments should: –Evaluate how students - Construct knowledge and understanding Set and reach goals Think critically and creatively –Challenge, but not cause students to become discouraged –Include some performance-based methods of assessment
Classroom Assessment LEARNING TARGETS Define what students should know and be able to do and provide the criteria for judging whether students have attained the stated learning target TYPES OF TARGETS Knowledge, reasoning and thinking, learning products, and student affect
Traditional Tests Traditional Tests are typically paper-pencil tests in which students select from choices, calculate numbers, construct short responses, and write essays. Two main types: Selected-Response Items Constructed-Response Items
Selected-Response Item The answer is on the paper The student must choose the right answer –multiple choice –true/false –matching –anything with a word bank These are objective tests (hard to make, easy to score)
True/False Items Include only one central idea in each statement. Keep the statement short, and use simple vocabulary and sentence structure. Word the statement so precisely that it can clearly be judged as true or false. Use negatives sparingly and avoid double negatives. Avoid extraneous clues to the answer (absolutes).
Multiple Choice Items Stem + possible responses Responses should include correct answer and incorrect answers known as distractors
Multiple Choice Items Write the stem as a question. Give 3 or 4 possible alternatives from which to choose. State items and options positively when possible. Stems should be long, responses should be short. Grammar should match between stem and all responses. Keep responses free of ambiguity - only one clear answer for the question. Vary the placement of the correct option. Do not use the exact wording in a textbook when writing a question.
Matching Items Limit the number of items to match to no more than 8.
Constructed-Response Item The student must provide the answer from his own brain –fill in the blank without a word bank –short answer –essay These are subjective items that require your judgment to grade (easier to make, hard to score/justify the grade you gave - need a rubric)
Short-Answer Items Teacher provides a question or statement that the student must answer or respond to in a couple of sentences or a short list. Be straightforward and precise in what you are looking for in the students’ answers.
Essay Items Specify limitations. Structure and clarify the task. Formulate a question that requires in-depth application, analysis, and synthesis. In other words, items should require more than just basic recall. Ask questions in a direct way. Develop a rubric (scoring system).
Mix It Up Since kids do not all have the same learning styles nor the same intelligences, they will not have the same ability in testing styles. Therefore, it is good to either let the kids choose or to provide a test that contains many different types of questions.