LIGO-G M LIGO Laboratory1 Adv. LIGO Seismic Isolation (SEI) Plans, Schedule, Costs, Team Schedule »through R&D, including near-term plans »project phase Costs for project phase (proposed) Team -- list of people and places
LIGO-G M LIGO Laboratory2 Adv. LIGO Seismic Isolation (SEI) Schedule: R&D/Design Phase Technology Demonstrator and Controls Development Testbed »Approx. full scale, HAM-like unit installed in the Stanford University Engineering Test Facility (ETF) vacuum system »Verify kinematics & dynamics of design ( completed) »Further the servo-control development begun on the proof-of- concept, two-stage system (currently in process) »Expect initial phase of servo-controls development in support of the LASTI prototypes by 4 th Q 2004
LIGO-G M LIGO Laboratory3 Adv. LIGO Seismic Isolation (SEI) Schedule: R&D/Design Phase “Pathfinder” Prototypes part of Preliminary Design »Full scale, HAM and BSC units (1 each) for the LASTI integrated test system »External Pre-Isolation (EPI) stages –Already in place at LASTI on a HAM and a BSC chamber –One unit must be reworked once a technology decision is made (electro-magnetic vs hydraulic actuation); decision Jun2003 »RFP (“tender”) for 2 phase structural design issued Apr2003 –Proposals are being evaluated now –Source selection for phase 1 (value engineering) in Jun2003 – likely 3 awards –Source selection for phase 2 (design & fabrication) in Sep likely 2 awards –Hiatus during LASTI SEI subsystem testing before production phase (phase 3)
LIGO-G M LIGO Laboratory4 Adv. LIGO Seismic Isolation (SEI) Schedule: R&D/Design Phase Preliminary Design Review (PDR) held Apr 2005 »After assembly and installation experience at LASTI »Follows 5 months of “Pathfinder” stand-alone prototype testing at LASTI Production and procurement of long lead items initiated after PDR Final Design Review (FDR) held Nov 2005 »After integrated SUS/SEI testing (test for coupled dynamics/interaction)
LIGO-G M LIGO Laboratory5 Adv. LIGO Seismic Isolation (SEI) Schedule: Project Phase WBS SEI Fabrication » Fabrication/Procurement » Assembly » Alignment, Calibration and Test »Total duration is 42 months for 30 units WBS Fabrication/Procurement »Scope includes: –procurement of commercial off the shelf components, e.g. sensors, processors, racks, crates, etc. –contract fabrication of custom equipment, e.g. UHV actuators, structure, etc. –In-house fabrication of custom conditioning electronics –Assembly »Start of Jun2005 enabled by completion of LASTI HAM & BSC SEI prototype test completion, plus test and design review »Estimated total duration is 29 months, of which structural fabrication is 24 months »Recent structural fabrication incumbent bidder estimated 23 months total required for the production phase »First interferometer set of hardware ready for assembly 13 months after start, or Jul2006
LIGO-G M LIGO Laboratory6 Adv. LIGO Seismic Isolation (SEI) Schedule: Project Phase WBS Assembly WBS Alignment, Calibration and Test »Scope includes: –Receipt/acceptance of materials/components and sub-assembliees (assembled structure, sensor/actuator pod structures, sensors, actuators, in-vacuum cabling, etc.) –Clean room assembly of SEI systems (HAM and BSC chamber versions) by LIGO Lab at LLO –Alignment of sensors, actuators, flexures; balancing & calibration of actuation & sensing –Functional testing »Starts Jul2006, when first sets of hardware are received »First interferometer set (5 BSC units and 5 HAM units) completed by Jul2007 (12 months) »Next 2 interferometer sets (10 BSC units and 10 HAM units) completed Feb2009 (20 months)
LIGO-G M LIGO Laboratory7 Adv. LIGO Seismic Isolation (SEI) Schedule ETC.
LIGO-G M LIGO Laboratory8 Adv. LIGO Seismic Isolation (SEI) Summary Schedule N.B: Primavera detailed schedule is summarized in top, gray bars Systems group proposed revision (M E2) is lower, blue bars
LIGO-G M LIGO Laboratory9 Adv. LIGO Seismic Isolation (SEI) Costs All costs are in base year dollars (un-escalated) Production cost = $37,952K including 26% contingency Proposed construction cost = $37,952K – 1.7 x $667K direct labor incl. Indirect = $36,819 Labor costs are borne by LIGO operations funds Average hardware cost = $36,819/30 units = $1,227K each chamber
LIGO-G M LIGO Laboratory10 Adv. LIGO Seismic Isolation (SEI) Costs 98.6%
LIGO-G M LIGO Laboratory11 Adv. LIGO Seismic Isolation (SEI) Costs In-chamber mechanical fabrication50.3% Instruments19.5% Electronics14.7% Mechanics11.8% Assembly, align, calibrate, test3.1% Controls1.8%
LIGO-G M LIGO Laboratory12 Adv. LIGO Seismic Isolation (SEI) Costs 3 Interferometers (IFOs) x $6,363K = $19,089K for in- chamber Mechanical Fab Contracts
LIGO-G M LIGO Laboratory13 Adv. LIGO Seismic Isolation (SEI) In-Chamber Mechanical Fab. Costs In-chamber mechanical fabrication contract unit costs are based on an analysis of the actual ETF technology demonstrator costs (LIGO-M ) * * Should have used $436K for HAM production unit cost in the cost book rather than the estimated ETF production unit cost of $429K
LIGO-G M LIGO Laboratory14 Adv. LIGO Seismic Isolation (SEI) Instrument Costs Sensing and actuation topology in relation to the two in-chamber, isolation stages Sensors: »Low noise, capacitive displacement sensors (6 between stages, 12 total) »Seismometers, L4-C (6/stage 1) »Broadband Seismometer, STS-2 (3/stage 1) »Seismometer, GS-13 (3/stage 2) Electro-magnetic Actuators: »“High” force between stages 0 and 1, BEI Kimko LA Z »“low” force between stages 0 and 1, BEI Kimko LA Z »Need ultra-high vacuum (UHV) compatible versions – should be covered by 26% contingency
LIGO-G M LIGO Laboratory15 SEI Instrument Costs
LIGO-G M LIGO Laboratory16 SEI Instrument Costs Interferometer 1 (IFO1 or LLO) will already have an external pre-isolation (EPI or stage 0) system installed »Instrument costs = $2,273K IFO2 and IFO3 (LHO) also require instrumentation for the EPI systems: »Seismometers, L4-C, 8 total/chamber »Load Cells, 8 total/chamber »Inductive position sensors, Kaman DIT-5200, 8 total/chamber »Instrument costs = $2,558K for each of IFO2 and IFO3 Total instrument costs = $2,273K + 2 x $2,558 = $7,389K
LIGO-G M LIGO Laboratory17 SEI Electronics Costs Electronics module counts are based on a conceptual system block diagram employing initial LIGO elements and anticipated processing requirements for the digital control IFO1 will already have installed EPI (stage 0) systems; IFO2 and IFO3 will not (just as in the case of the instrumentation) Total electronics costs = $1,513K IFO1 + $2,039K IFO2 + $2,021K IFO3 = $5,573K
LIGO-G M LIGO Laboratory18 SEI Electronics Costs
LIGO-G M LIGO Laboratory19 SEI Electronics Costs BOE continues
LIGO-G M LIGO Laboratory20 Adv. LIGO Seismic Isolation (SEI) Team LIGO Lab manages the effort and carries the financial responsibility for all project phase costs »Leader: Larry Jones (LIGO Lab, acting) »Cognizant Engineer: Larry Jones (LIGO Lab) »Cognizant Scientist: Joe Giaime (LSU) »Cognizant Scientist for EPI: Brian Lantz (Stanford) Other Key Participants: »Stanford: Dan DeBra, Amit Ganguli, Corwin Hardham, Wensheng Hua, Brian Lantz, Joe van Niekerk, Norna Robertson »LSU: Joe Giaime, Shyang Wen, »LIGO Lab: Rich Abbott, Dennis Coyne, Marcel Hammond, Jonathan Kern, Katie Lilienkamp, Ken Mailand, Ken Mason, Richard Mittleman, Samir Nayfeh, David Ottaway, Kyle Ryan, Lei Zuo