Boston University October 31, Technical Status and Progress Report D. Baden, T. Grassi HCAL Trigger Readout
Boston University October 31, Shield Wall SBSSBS HPD FE MODULE 12 HTRs per Readout Crate, 2 DCC FRONT-END RBX Readout Box (On detector) READ-OUT Crate Trigger Primitives Fibers at 1.6 Gb/s 3 QIE-channels per fiber QIE CCA GOL DCCDCC TTC GOL CCA HTRHTR HTRHTR CAL REGIONAL TRIGGER MHz MHz CCA S-Link: MHz Rack CPU FE/DAQ Electronics CLKCLK HTRHTR
Boston University October 31, Trigger Readout Principal Functions 1.Receive front-end data for physics running Synchronize optical links Data validation and linearization Extract Level 1 trigger info, transmit to Level 1 at 40 MHz Pipeline data, wait for Level 1 accept Upon receiving L1A: Zero suppress, format, and transmit to the concentrator NB: DAQ-Data in QIE-format (non-linear) no filter necessary anyway 2.Calibration processing and buffering of: Radioactive source calibration data Laser/LED calibration data 3.Support a VME data spy monitoring
Boston University October 31, Readout VME Crate “BIT3” board –Slow monitoring –Commercial VME/PCI Interface to CPU FanOut board – Takes TTC stream in – Clone and Fanout timing signals HTR ( HCAL Trigger and Readout ) board – Spy output over VME – FE-Fiber input – TPG output (SLBs) to CRT – DAQ/TP Data output to DCC DCC (Data Concentrator Card) board – Input from HTRs – Spy output – Output to DAQ DCCDCC VME CRATE 20m Copper 1.2 Gb/s DAQ Calorimeter Regional Trigger BIT3BIT3 Fiber 1.6 Gb/s FanOut FanOut HTRHTR Front End Electronics HTRHTR DCCDCC HTRHTR HTRHTR... TTC fiber
Boston University October 31, Board organized around 2 identical sets of circuitry: Optical inputs 1.6 GHz, 8B/10B frames, 3ch/link Dual LC detectors and drivers TI TLK2501 Deserializers Crystal RefClk TTC 80MHz backup Xilinx Virtex FPGA XCV1000E 24 channels each TPG signals Sent to SLB over backplane, LVDS SLBs mounted 6 to a transition board Level 1 accept output to DCC LVDS output VME Altera FPGA and firmware OLD DESIGN “Old” HTR Design (Summer 2002)
Boston University October 31, HTR Functional Experience What was tested: VME fully tested and working Some changes necessary to conform to CMS VME standards Optical links and synchronization No indication of any problems. Big success here – was a real worry LVDS to DCC Tested, working (Will change cable/connector to Cat 6/RJ45) Fanout of timing signals on two Cat5 cables Plan to change to a single Cat6 or Cat7 cable (very low cross-talk) Firmware – full tests of: Pipeline and L1A triggering capability In-line histogramming for source calibration TTCrx Not working at all (4 bad on 4 tested). What was not tested: Anything to do with TPG
Boston University October 31, HTR Board Experience Produced ~12 boards Several bare boards were delivered warped Many opens under FPGA after assembly (~9 boards) Some fixed after reflow (a few) Some worse after reflow (shorts) X-rayed a few boards, sometimes inconclusive Some opens on VME side Non BGA FPGA, indicates bad vias Few other various open circuits Finally got ~8 boards to “work” Questionable reliability
Boston University October 31, Resulting Modifications Change board from using white-tin to gold traces This process was sold to us by the board maker. Our mistake. Used only for very high volume, cost competitive products, very difficult and expensive to control. Gold is flatter and not very much more expensive (~$50/board), better for FPGAs Change assembly house Insufficient Quality Control on current assembler – they are fired. We visited 2 high-end assemblers Modern Machines Step up and step down oven temp control. In-line X-ray for BGA QC Manufacturability Review Add stiffeners to HTRS Flexability of 9U VME boards was underestimated Worry: fine-line BGA (FBGA) can pop connections Change from FBGA (1.0 mm pitch) to BGA (1.27 mm pitch) No additional expense, plenty of available real estate, no need to push Full JTAG capabilities added Will help with debugging By making these changes… We have profited from the summer We have reduced our production risk considerably
Boston University October 31, HTR Design Changes SLB transition board issues: Worries about so many LVDS signals over backplane for old design Routing is too complicated Many signals going to same backplane location Requires multi-layer routing with many vias TPG cables very thick Mechanical issues are very worrisome SLB changes needed (e.g. height reduced after ECAL redesign…) Solution: move SLB’s to HTR motherboard Benefits: Mechanically attach SLB’s to HTR front panel for mechanical stability Eases routing requirements, reduces board and assembly risks, cheaper too Change from Xilinx VirtexE to Virtex2 More resources, block ram, hardware multipliers Big cost reduction (save $300k) More modern chip for long-term maintenance Clock synchronization Decouple “80MHz” crystal from FPGA system clock Will allow us to use crystal to maintain synchronization of serdes This gives us 2 solutions for our “40ps” jitter requirement issue
Boston University October 31, P1 to DCC New HTR Conceptual Design P2 LVDS to Level 1 Cal Trigger LVDS SLB FPGA Xilinx XC2V LC TI LC FPGA Xilinx XC2V LC TI LC VME FPGA Fibers No P3! 8-way
Boston University October 31, HTR Cost Issues Optical parts LC receivers quote went up from $80 to $140 $640/HTR board, $155k total goes up to $270k We just learned this. Rob is working on them. Would probably be cost effective now to go with mass terminated receivers (PAROLI) But would involve board layout changes, will effect schedule, est ~2 months FPGA Virtex ($472 each, $944/board) current choice ($300k savings), but… HCAL sections where there is no summing means more LUTs, more resources. XC2V2000 is just only large enough VIrtex ($743 each, $1486/board) works, pin compatible Cost increase is $130k total. Can be minimized by only building HTRs with 3000 part for those sections of HCAL where there is no summing Reduces cost increase to ~$30k if only HB has the larger chips Obvious down side is that we would have 2 types of HTRs Means that HB cards can be used anywhere but not vice versa
Boston University October 31, HTR Cost Issues (cont) SLB cost increases Previous costs were ~$100/SLB We need 575 total, or $60k in previous budgets Current estimates from Dasilva: 292 CHF parts, 100 CHF assembly/testing = $250/SLB New estimates mean increase to $144k ($86k increase) We are investigating whether we can buy the parts and assemble them here SLB transition card Abandoned (see above) Cost savings of $66k TPG cables Wesley private communication cost estimate was ~$100/cable (2 yrs ago) Current estimate: $200/cable, $150/connectors and assembly Increases our cost from $52k to $182k We are going to have to do our own cost estimates. Dasilva is testing a much cheaper cable It is important to push Wesley to decrease the spec from 20m to 10m Can use smaller cable, saves money, and saves us 2 clock ticks in L1 latency
Boston University October 31, Cost/Maintenance Issues Currently, we have 10% spares in the budget. Optical parts will surely be difficult to get in >3 years Failure rate is expected to be low but… If we need more…we propose we buy an extra 10% spares Additional $15k FPGAs will probably be ok for 5 years but will be more and more difficult to get, and more and more expensive. TI serdes will probably be difficult to replace. $200/HTR board, $46k total We should buy an extra 10% of these and let them sit in a drawer PCBs We propose to build 20% spare PCBs but only stuff 10% Gives us some breathing room in case of future disasters.
Boston University October 31, Clocking Changes TTC Fanout Board TTCrx TTC 80 MHz Clock PECL HTR Board TTCrx SLB Board (holds 6 SLBs) 80 MHz LVPECL Crystal 1 to 8 Fanout 1 2 Fanout Single width VME BC0 L1A 40MHz TTCrx TTC TTC Broadcast Cat 5 quad cable 80 MHz LVPECL Crystal 1 to 8 Fanout Double width VME BC0 80MHz 40MHz TI (16) FPGAFPGA Clock/2 SLB TI (16) FPGAFPGA TTC BC0 L1A 40MHz BC0 40MHz L1A BC0 40MHz PECL 1 to 8 Fanout 40 MHz system 80MHz PECL TTC mezz TTC LVDS/ PECL Depends on which input used…. TTC broadcast bus 40 MHz clean 80 MHz system Cat 6/7 quad cable (allows LVDS/PECL) TTC Fanout Board OLD SCHEMATIC NEW SCHEMATIC
Boston University October 31, Fanout – HTR scheme HTR TTC fiber TTC LVDS CLK80 3.3V-PECL RX_BC0 LVDS Cat6E or Cat7 cable 8 clks to TLKs DS90LV001 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 MC100LVE V PECL CLK40 3.3V-PECL LVDS Fanout x 8 PCK953 LVPECL- to-LVTTL Fanout (top layer) PCK953 LVPECL- to-LVTTL Fanout (top layer) 8 clks to TLKs + TPs To 6 SLBs Diff. to 2 Xilinx + termin. Diff. to 6 SLBs Single-end to 2 xilinx TTC daughter card IN IN_b Brdcst, BrcstStr, L1A, BCntRes to xilinx and SLBs CLK80 LVDS Fanout Board Low-jitter Fanout x 15 O/E Brdcst, BrcstStr BC0 Fanout buffer TTC FPGA Fanout x 15 Brdcst, BrcstStr, BCntRes, L1A CMOS LVDS or diff PECL …….. 15 connectors on bottom layer ? 15 Cables & Connectors tbd …….. NB100LVEP221 is LVDS compatible TTCrx (or daughter card) QPLL AN1568/D Fig 11 RJ45 ~Fifteen RJ45 connectors PECL fanout e.g. DS90LV Test Points for CLK40 and BC0 CLK40 LVDS PECL fanout MHz 3.3V crystal Diff. PECL MC100LVEL37 CK CK/2.. 9U Front-panel space = 325 mm ; => space per connector ~ 21.5 mm Notes: SLBs require fanout of CLK40, BC0. FE-link possibly requires CLK80. PECL fanout was tested in TB2002. One Cat6E cable (low x-talk) replaces the 2 Cat5 cables used in TB2002. TTC and BC0 remain LVDS as in Weiming’s board. HTR needs Broadcast bus, BCntRes and L1A: from TTCrx if we get it to work, otherwise we have to fan them out. LVDS Tullio Grassi
Boston University October 31, HCAL TriDAS Integration First integration completed, summer 02 FE HTR DCC SLINK CPU All links well established No obvious clocking problems Work needed on synch monitoring and reporting Improvements expected using crystal for TI refclk Will always have TTC/QPLL clock as backup… HTR firmware fairly mature Switch to Virtex2 all but complete TPG and BCID ready but not tested To commence when next HTR version delivered and Wisconsin TPG boards delivered (est Q4 2002) Will be main effort when next HTR version arrives Dec 2002
Boston University October 31, Integration Goals 2003 Continued development of HTR and DCC firmware Commission TPG path Firmware, LUTs, synchronization, SLB output… Monitoring, error reporting, etc. (both cards) We need to settle on where the preliminary US-based integration will take place We propose that this be at FNAL Full system as in the previous testbeam Except TPG which will be done initially at UMD Moved to FNAL if needed Testbeam in the summer (to begin in spring) Same goals as summer 02 – support calibration effort and continue commissioning the system Operate a “vertical slice” for an extended period of time, Fall 03 Fully pipelined, monitoring, TPG, DAQ, synchronization, clocking…. Develop software to support DAQ activities Testbeam software improvements Software for commissioning HTR needed Allow us to verify fiber mapping Download LUTs, firmware version, etc.
Boston University October 31, Overall Commissioning Schedule Summer 2003 testbeam Repeat previous test w/production prototype boards Fall 2003 Slice tests HCAL will join as schedule allows 2003/2004 HCAL burn-in Continue with firmware development/integration as needed 2004/2005 Vertical Slice and magnet test We will be ready All HCAL TriDas production cards involved October 05 beneficial occupancy of USC Installation of all racks, crates, and cards We do not anticipate any hardware integration Should be all firmware / timing / troubleshooting
Boston University October 31, ScheduleSchedule
Boston University October 31, Installation Requirements Production cards will be available, all systems Front-end emulator will be critical No other way to light up the fibers during installation Design very close to actual front-end card (GOL, not TI) Built by FNAL Close interaction with UMD on board UMD firmware HCAL mapping nightmare will have to be implemented very carefully Will need to be able to connect to rack CPU from inside shield wall as we plug the fibers in one at a time Will need to have audio communication between operators inside shield wall and at VME racks
Boston University October 31, Installation Manpower Needs Drawing on D Level 2 experience for the current Tevatron Run 2a… Each significant card requires on-site expertise: Probably 1-2 postdoc-level (or above) and 1 engineer Maybe the same engineer for both DCC and HTR… HCAL will have an electronics setup at CERN Total personnel estimate: Front End 1 HTR 2 DCC 2 Miscellaneous (grad students, transients, etc.) maybe 4? Very difficult to say with any accuracy
Boston University October 31, HTR Board Maintenance HTR boards will all be at CERN in ~12 months Repairs can come back to UMD on as needed basis But not if there is a disaster in 3 or more years – unknown staffing… Dick Kellogg will be at CERN. (forever maybe) Therefore…HCAL electronics guy at CERN should be knowledgeable on HTR details. All relevant design files should be placed into archival storage (EDMS, CVS, whatever…) PDF schematics Design tool files Unfortunately we don’t use Cadence….but most assemblers can understand most varieties Gerber files (specifies PCB artwork)
Boston University October 31, HTR Firmware Maintenance CMS runs in 2008… Not many HEP experiments have had sufficient experience to guide us… We propose the following: 1 or 2 computers/laptops should be purchased and fitted with the relevant tools: Xilinx and Altera tools with specified versions to compile source code Different versions WILL produce different timing in the results Synplicity etc. synthesis tools are not used but should be included just in case… Aldec simulator needed for verification of timing after changes All of these should be node locked (e.g. not run off of license servers) All firmware versions for ANY HCAL FPGA: Should have a VME readable version number Should be archived (CVS or whatever CERN supports) Firmware maintenance will be a combination of: UMD personnel CERN HCAL electronics guru Other universities which join CMS looking for responsibility