Forestry & Society Wildlife Habitat HORT RGSC 302 J.G. Mexal Spring 2001
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker Rediscovered in Big Woods of AR (Apr/05) Singer Tract, LA, Photo credit: David Allen Colorized version of version
Monarch Butterfly Neotropical Parrots Wildlife in the Forest/ Ciencia Forestal
Forestry & Society Wildlife Habitat/Guanaco in Chile
Forestry & Society Wildlife Habitat
Jaguars in the Chiracahuas
Forestry & Society Wildlife Habitat/ U.Mass. CES 1993
Forestry & Society Wildlife Habitat Concerns: –Big animals deer, elk, turkey, bear, cougar thermal cover, hiding cover, food, corridors (forest fragmentation –Little animals fish, prey (mice, etc), insects –Threatened & Endangered Species western goshawk, red cockaded woodpecker, spotted owl (Mexican & northern), wolf
Forestry & Society Wildlife Habitat/Elk like clearcuts! Science Findings 22/feb2000 PNW Res. Stn. Elk Body Weight Change (%)- OR
Forestry & Society Wildlife Habitat/Harvesting decreases standing deadwood (Science Findings 42:3/02) Forest Type Snags (>20”)/ac
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Prey Wild. Soc. Bull. 31:131:’02 Number/tree
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Prey Wild. Soc. Bull. 31:131:’02 Biomass (mg/tree)
Forestry & Society Wildlife Habitat/ Small mammals vs patch size/ SEAFWA Proc Individuals captures/100 nights
Forestry & Society Wildlife Habitat/ Small mammals vs patch size/ SEAFWA Proc captures (307 individuals) –Peromyscus polionotus (44%)[field mice] –Sigmodon hispidus (36%)[cotton rats] –Peromyscus gossypinus (16%) –Reithrodontomys humilus (2%) –Neotoma floridana (1%[wood rats] –Mus musculus (0.3%)
Forestry & Society Wildlife Habitat/clearcuts have food! Harvest method Soft mast cover (%) Ouachita NF, AR/OK Wildlife Soc. Bull. 27:915:99
Forestry & Society Wildlife Habitat/clearcuts have food! Harvest method Soft mast production (kg/ha) Ouachita NF, AR/OK Wildlife Soc. Bull. 27:915:99 A B C
Forestry & Society Wildlife Habitat/clearcuts have food! Wildlife Soc. Bull. 27:915:99 Pine BA (m 2 /ha) Soft mast production (kg/ha) Ouachita NF, AR/OK Clearcut Group Shelterwood Single-tree Unharvested
Forestry & Society Wildlife Habitat/soft mast species muscadine grapes blueberries blackberries wild roses sumac American beautyberry hackberry dogwood plums cherries mulberry pokeberry holly sassafras green briers poison ivy Wildlife Soc. Bull. 27:915:99
71% 22% 17% 10% 17% % of total BA
Forestry & Society Wildlife Habitat/review questions Why are forest gaps good for wildlife? Why are forest gaps bad for wildlife? Pileated woodpecker