Brooks Range, AK HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations 2009 (“HIPPO”) Steven C. Wofsy Global CH 4 Keynote Address, ICDC8, Jena, 18 Sep 2009
Summary of Deliverables for HIPPO -- HIPPO Proposal March 2006 (1) Publicly available global data sets for CO 2, O 2 :N 2 ratio, 13 CO 2 : 12 CO 2, CH 4, CO, N 2 O, CFCs, HCFCs, O 3, PAN, and other tracers. There will be six missions over 2 years spanning the seasonal cycle, covering almost pole-to-pole and the full depth of the troposphere, at longitudes in the Central Pacific and over the American land mass. (2) Tests of global models used to assess the distribution of sources and sinks of CO 2 over the globe, using these data. (3) Analysis of the seasonal exchange of O 2 with the oceans. (4) Assessment of CO 2 and O 2 exchange in the Southern Ocean. (5) Analysis of transport and mixing rates in the TTL. Cannot ascend deep tropics/no radar (6) Green’s functions for the vertical propagation of the seasonal cycle through the middle and upper troposphere. (7) New constraints on global sources and sinks for CH4 and other gases. (8) Climatology of pollution layers in the global atmosphere..
Summary of Deliverables for HIPPO -- HIPPO Proposal March 2006 (continued) ENDURING VALUE OF HIPPO DATA. For decades, GEOSECS data (only recently superceded by WOCE) have been the foundation for critical tests of ocean models, and the means to derive synthetic insight into ocean processes as diverse as mixed-layer ventilation, deep-sea conveyor belts, new production by the biota, and, just in 2004, planetary heat balance. GEOSECS showed that a tracer study with the right global architecture could truly revolutionize a field. We expect the same will be true of HIPPO.
HIPPO main points—what has been delivered: unprecedented sampling of the remote atmosphere Operations and sensors successful; New Measurements implemented; HAIS sensors ! Seasonal Sampling Reference data set Fine-grained vision at global scale New Science: Bullets N 2 O distributions differ radically from global model simulations Southern Ocean sources and sinks of CO 2 observed directly Emission of marine-derived gases observed directly as atmospheric enhancements: N 2 O, methyl halides and methyl nitrate, OCS, CS 2, and DMS Arctic and North Pacific structures Seasonal changes – cold dome, transpacific transport, latitude gradients Upside down distributions of global pollutants seen consistently Stratospheric influence measured directly at global scale over the ocean Black Carbon global distributions differ from any models (lower) but intense events are very strong H 2 O supersaturation regions shown to derive from moistening Model—data and validation bullets Comparisons are underway with strong participation by 5+ models, plus satellite teams (AIRS, TES) plus TCCON
HIPPO Aircraft Instrumentation O 2 :N 2, CO 2, CH 4, CO, N 2 O, SF 6, CH 3 Br, CH 3 Cl other GHGs, COS, halocarbons, solvent gases, marine emission species, many more Whole air sampling: NWAS (NOAA), AWAS (Miami), MEDUSA (NCAR/Scripps) O 3 (1 Hz)NOAA GMD O 3 T, P, winds, aerosols, cloud waterMTP, wing stores, etc Black Carbon (1 Hz)NOAA SP2 H 2 O (1 Hz)Princeton/SWS VCSEL CO, CH 4, N 2 O, CFCs, HCFCs, SF 6, CH 3 Br, CH 3 ClNOAA- UCATS, PANTHER GCs (1 per 70 – 200 s) CO (1 Hz)NCAR RAF CO O 3 (1 Hz)NOAA CSD O 3 CO 2 (1 Hz)Harvard OMS CO 2 O 2 :N 2, CO 2 (1 Hz)NCAR AO2 CO 2, CH 4, CO, N 2 O (1 Hz)Harvard/Aerodyne—HAIS QCLS colors denote replicated measurements
Figure 1. (Panels a, b) Locations of flight tracks and vertical profiles (colored points) for HIPPO deployments 1 and 2. (Panel c) Vertical profiles (~200 in each mission), with the tropopause shown in orange and stratospheric flight segments in blue. (Panel d) Cross section of potential temperature in HIPPO_1, on the southbound leg near the dateline. The white dotted lines mark the flight path of the GV and grey lines show contours of potential temperature.
Figure 2. Cross sections of CH 4 (ppb), CO (ppb), CO 2 (ppm), SF 6 (ppt), N 2 O (ppb) and H 2 O (log 10 (ppm)) on HIPPO_1, southbound along the dateline, January, White dashed lines show flight tracks, and grey contours show potential temperature. CO 2 —composite and CO—composite represent merged data from CO 2 —QCLS and OMS and from CO—QCLS and RAF, respectively.
HIPPO _1 HIPPO _2 HIPPO_3 Jan 2009 Nov 2009 April 2010 O2O2 CO 2
HIPPO _1 HIPPO _2 HIPPO_3 Jan 2009 Nov 2009 April 2010 CH 4 Southbound Northbound
HIPPO _1 HIPPO _2 HIPPO_3 Jan 2009 Nov 2009 April 2010 Northbound Southbound CO
HIPPO _1 HIPPO _2 HIPPO_3 Jan 2009 Nov 2009 Apr 2010 Central Pacific HIPPO_1 Eastern Pacific model obs N2ON2O
Tropospheric ozone in HIPPO 1, 2 and 3 N/S O3O3
Figure 3. (Panels a, b) Cross sections of CO 2 (ppm) and CO (ppb), on HIPPO_2, southbound along the dateline, November, (Panels c, d) Vertical profiles of greenhouse gases and black carbon at 77.2 N, November, (Panel e) Same as c, expanded. (Panel f ) Photo of dense layer of dark aerosols at 80N, 6-8 km, November, 2009 (Photo: E. Kort). (a) (b) N 2 O CO CH 4
Dibromomethane MODEL DISTRIBUTION: Dibromomethane Kerkweg et al. (2008) MEASUREMENTS: HIPPO -1 (NWAS + AWAS)
HIPPO Global Campaign # 3 water vapor distribution, March, 2010 M. Zondlo and M. Diao SPCZITCZ Can we generalize this zonally and in time? Look at AIRS...