1 Carl Berger University of Michigan The Participant Perception Indicator: A Compentency Based Elementary Teacher Preparation Program Model
2 What’s a PPI? The Participant Perception Indicator (PPI) is a tool to help evaluate and/or assess growth in competence of elementary school teachers. The PPI contains a questionnaire of several pages that measures perceptions of knowledge, experience and confidence of themes determined important for teaching elementary school.
3 The Participant Perception Indicator... Can measure multiple times: before, during and after teacher preparation Looks at themes as well as individual competencies Measures cognitive, behavioral and affective May be analyzed by repeated measures test and profile analysis
4 What is it… A booklet of statements for response. A series of Likert scales Parallel statements of perception of knowledge, experience and confidence based on themes with statements reflecting themes.
5 Background Developed in 1974 to examine pre- service and in-service teachers competence in teaching Used in the Michigan Dept of Education study of the effectiveness of competency based teacher education.
6 Instruction page for Instructional Competency Self Perception
7 Instruction page for supervisors to compare observed competency and opportunity to observe competency
8 Procedure Students took PPI each semester in Jr and Sr year and once following during teaching. We used the results to observe changes over time. Supervisors used measure to compare observed use of competence with opportunity to observe so we could compare student self perceptions with external observations.
9 Analysis Values of knowledge, confidence and experience of each theme were averaged to produce an overall theme Profiles were developed to show changes over time. Comparisons of observed and opportunity to observe were averaged to produce overall themes T-tests were used to find if students used competency if the opportunity was available.
10 Theme was ‘Using assessment for diagnosis’ Used profile analysis, (just became available for main frame computing) Conclusions were developed for each theme and reports on the conclusion were used to modify the State of Michigan Competency Based Teacher Education program.
11 Sample profile Low perception High perception
12 Conclusions Significant growth of perception occurred till actual teaching! Perception of experience highest in student teaching and much lower upon inservice Comparison of observed and perception of competence was conservative, students perceived less competence than was observed by supervisor.
13 Use of the PPI The PPI was able to discriminate among the measures. It could be used a conservative measure of actual competence. Allowed for formative and summative evaluation.
14 References to other uses of the PPI Berger, C., Kerner, N., & Lee, J. (1999) Understanding Student Perceptions of Collaboration, Laboratory and Inquiry Use in Introductory Chemistry, Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Long Beach, CA. Berger, C., & Barritt, M. (1997) Evaluation of the Location Independent Learning and Teaching Course:Economics of Networks, Process Survey, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Berger, C. and E. Carlson (1988). "Measuring computer literacy of teacher trainers." Journal of Educational Computing Research 4(9): All references are hyperlinked to full reports
15 So that’s it… For more information The latest on PPI and files and… updated monthly ideas for evaluation and assessment… Go to… and click on assessment and evaluation