The May 6 th 1983 Topeka, KS Tornado A Squall line moved through on the evening of the 6 th Embedded in the squall a tornadic storm formed leaving 1 fatality and injuring 25 people, the tornado was rated an F3 To determine what caused this storm to develop me must understand both the large-scale and mesoscale processes on this day
Differences between Large-Scale and Mesoscale definitions and terms Large-Scale Processes Synoptic and sub-synoptic Mesoscale Processes Thermodynamic environment Usually separated on an order of magnitude basis How do we distinguish between where large scale end and mesoscale begins?
Distinguishing between large-scale and mesoscale Large-scale processes can be restricted to: Adiabatic Hydrostatic Mass continuity must be satisfied Advection is dominated by the geostrophic wind Variation of Coriolis parameter is insignificant Quasi-geostrophic forcing Omega equation Height tendency
Mesoscale Processes Mesoscale stands in between large and small scales Defined as processes which cannot be understood without considering the large scale and microscale processes
Defining the Roles of Large-Scale and Mesoscale Processes Deep Moist Convection can be broken down into three ingredients Moisture Conditional Instability Source of lift Moisture and Instability can be combined in CAPE. However, lift needs to be addressed separately
Lift Rarely is the environment completely unstable Significant lift is required to overcome the negative buoyancy before a rising air parcel can reach its LFC Large-Scale vertical motions (cm/s) are simply too small to accomplish the needed lift in a reasonable time Large-scale processes however setup the environments necessary for convection to occur but do not initiate convection
Dynamic and Thermodynamic Factors A. Large Scale Setting 850 and 500 mb analysis Surface low pressure Topeka, KS Sounding Limited-Area, Fine-Mesh Model (LFM) analysis B. Sub-synoptic Features Thunderstorms near NE and KS border Dryline in Western KS, OK and TX Sfc. Pressure Rises
Large Scale Setting 850 mb Analysis Large scale cyclogenesis indicated by negative tilting trough Strong low-level jet
Large Scale Setting 500 mb Analysis
Surface Analysis at 1200 UTC
Convective Inhibition Strong capping inversion in place Modest low-level moisture Dewpoints at or below 50 ⁰F Can these negative factors be overcome?
12 and 00 UTC Topeka, KS Soundings
LFM Analysis
Dynamic and Thermodynamic Factors A. Large Scale Setting 850 and 500 mb analysis Surface low pressure Topeka, KS Sounding Limited-Area, Fine-Mesh Model (LFM) analysis B. Sub-synoptic Features Thunderstorms near NE and KS border Dryline in Western KS, OK and TX Sfc. Pressure Rises
Visible Satellite Image 2130 UTC
Surface Analysis at 2100 UTC
Cold Front Strengthening
Vis. Satellite Image at 0000 UTC
Quasi-Geostrophic Frontogenesis
Summary of Event The large-scale processes on this day established the environment needed for deep moist convection However the vertical motion was not sufficient enough to initiate the convection solely by large-scale forcing Mesoscale processes were needed to initiate the deep convection Dryline combined with advancing cold front created enough vertical motion to overcome the negative buoyancy The convection/clouds over NE and clear skies in KS allowed for differential heating to take place
Summary of Event The boundary/front was established by mesoscale processes After its development the subsequent march across KS was done by large-scale processes/cyclogenesis Large-scale dynamic processes are not the trigger to convection The triggers are the mesoscale processes
Quasi-Geostrophic forcing for vertical motion
Connection between Dynamics and Thermodynamics Dynamics: large-scale, quasi-geostrophic forcing Result in increased lapse rates Its easier to lift air when the lapse rates are large Thermodynamics: combination of moisture and lapse rate distributions which makes deep moist convection possible
Surface Analysis at 1200 UTC
Yes a few equations Omega equation can be rewritten in terms of Q-Vector Divergence This combines differential vorticity and thickness advection into one term