Manage Your Stress!
Stress Stress - the reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands.
“Good” Stress and “Bad” Stress Stress can be either positive or negative. Positive – Eustress Negative - Distress
Stressors Stressor - anything that causes stress. People, objects, places, events and situations are all potential stressors. Some stressors affect almost everyone in the same way. Other stressors affect different people in different ways.
Stressor Categories 1. Biological Stressors – relating to your body Illnesses, disabilities, injuries 2. Environmental Stressors – relating to your physical surroundings Poverty, pollution, crowding, noise, high crime areas, or natural disasters 3. Cognitive, or Thinking Stressors The way you perceive a situation or how it affects you and the world around you
Stressor Categories (cont.) 4. Personal Behavior Stressors – Stressors caused by your own actions Negative reactions in the body and minded caused by using tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs or by lack of physical activity 5. Life Situation Stressors – Events in your life that may cause stress The death of a pet, the separation or divorce of parents, or having trouble in relationships with peers
Perception Perception – the act of becoming aware through the senses. Your perception of a stressor can control the level of stress you experience. Part of how you perceive stressors has to do with your past experiences.
The Body’s Response to Stress – 3 Stages Stage 1: Alarm Stage 2: Resistance Stage 3: Exhaustion
Stage 1: The Alarm Response “Fight or Flight Response” Prepares the body to either defend itself or flee from a threat Release of Adrenaline – the “emergency hormone” that prepares the body to respond to a stressor.
Physical Symptoms Caused by Adrenaline Pupil Dilation Hearing/Seeing Senses Improve Faster Heart Rate and Pulse Increase in Perspiration and Respiration Rise in Blood Pressure Narrowing of Arteries to Internal Organs and Skin Increased Blood Flow to Muscles and Brain Release of Blood Sugar, Fats, and Cholesterol Stomach Acid Increases Increase in Muscle Tension
The Power of Adrenaline Your body is briefly able to perform at a higher level of endurance. Example: Lifting an automobile to save a child trapped underneath.
Stage 2: Resistance If exposure to the stressor continues, your body enters into the Resistance Stage. The body tries to recover from the first stage and functions at higher than normal levels to restore HOMEOSTASIS.
Homeostasis Homeostasis – the body’s systems function smoothly and is in a balanced state.
Stage 3: Exhaustion If exposure to stress is prolonged, the body loses its ability to adapt to the situation and exhaustion may set in. Exhaustion – the body is worn down and no longer has enough energy to fight off the stress. Often enter this stage when stress is beyond control. Examples: Divorce, Death, Serious Family Problem Impaired ability to make good judgements and interact with others. The immune system is weakened and you are more susceptible to diseases or illnesses.
Stress and the Immune System The link between the body and the mind Thoughts can affect emotions. Emotions can affect physical health. Psychosomatic Illness A physical reaction that results from stress rather than from an injury or illness.
Common “Weak Links” Brain- fatigue, aches, crying spells, depression, anxiety attacks, sleep disturbances. Skin- itchy skin rashes Gastrointestinal tract- ulcers, cramps, and diarrhea
Common “Weak Links” Cont. Glandular System- thyroid gland malfunction Cardiovascular- High Blood pressure, heart attack, abnormal heart beat, stroke Immune System- decreased resistance to infections.
Facts About Stress 90% of all Americans have high stress levels 1-2 times a week. 1/4 of all Americans are subject to crushing levels of stress nearly every day. 75-90% of all visits to health care providers result from stress-related disorders. Just among the nation’s executives, an estimated 10-20 billion dollars are lost each year through absences, hospitalizations, and early deaths, much of this as a result of stress.
More Facts About Stress Insurance companies report that stress-related claims account for almost 1/5 of all occupational disease. ¼ of all workman compensation claims are for stress-related injuries and researchers estimate that 60-80% of all industrial accidents are related to stress. Stress-related symptoms and illnesses are costing industry an estimated $150 billion/yr. in absenteeism, company and medical expenses, and lost productivity.
Check Your Wellness Are you aware of the things that cause you stress? Do you plan your time to avoid last-minute rushes? Do you take time every day to relax and do things you enjoy? Do you get 8 hours of sleep/night, eat a balanced diet, and get regular exercise?
Check Your Wellness (cont.) Do you avoid tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs? Can you laugh, cry, and express your emotions freely? Do you share your problems with close friends or family members? Do you know where to get help if the stresses in your life seem overwhelming?
Got Stress?